14 March 2013

Smiley face!

Hey everyone,

This post goes live on Thursday so that means after today I only have 1 more day on these horrid antibiotics (I hope anyway) I seem to be allergic to every one the doctor has ever prescribed me, I hate being on them but taken into consideration the pain I am in right now I am willing to take on the battle.  Not going to lie, I am really fed up of feeling sick!  I am keeping everything down for once but am still getting crazy stomach cramps and all the rest.... So fingers crossed every body, make me better please!

So yes, smiley face.  For once I am super excited for the weekend, Joey has booked us into a nice restaurant for Friday night and we're staying in a hotel in Essex afterwards, we hardly get to see each other anymore and after living with each other for so long it has taken it's toll on our relationship.  I'm not talking about sexy time before anyone gets carried away, I actually really, really just miss good old quality time with him laying about in my PJ's, watching TV and just having a good old snuggle.

A few weeks back we stayed at my Dad's flat one Saturday night while my Dad and his wife went out.  We realised it was our first evening alone and together for well over 6 months!  I was so shocked and we vowed to try and make some more time for each other and bless his David Beckham H&M pants, he's only gone and followed through with our vow! (not in his pants, eww)

My appetite is slowly but surely coming back so watch out at this Restaurant on Friday Joey :)

Anyway what else do I have to tell you... I am back to work Sunday night so blogging may take a back seat again, I do miss doing it but looking after 3 kids 4 years and younger I just find it hard to get any time, any time I do get to myself I try to sleep lol.

I downloaded that sleep app on my iPod the other day.  I have been using it for a few days now, not so sure about it but I will be sure to give a review on it, in a few weeks time on here!

I did have a brain wave last night before I went to bed for an amazing post and I thought to myself, I must write that down or I will forget, well I didn't write it down and I now don't remember...

Nothing else to really report today so I guess I should wrap this up.

Hope you're all having a great week and are as excited about your Friday night as I am! :)

Stole this picture from my cousins Facebook, 
it's where she lives, enough to make you smile isn't it?


13 March 2013

The Procrastinating Beauty Blogger Tag

Yesterday I was tagged by Louise from Confessions of a secret shopper to do the Procrastinating Beauty Blogger Tag, I have been away from blogging for a bit due to poor health and was looking for something to do blog wise so was super happy to do this, so thank you Louise :)


You must copy and paste these rules onto your post when you write it, it doesn't take long!

 You must state that this tag was created by Hannah over at Hannah Hearts - and link back to her blog.

You must thank the person who tagged you at the start of your post and link back to their blog. Follow them if you're feeling nice! And at the end of your post state who you tag, and then comment on their blog on their latest blog post to let them know that you've tagged them, and link your post so they can see what to do.

Title this post The Procrastinating Beauty Blogger Tag so everyone knows what it is about.
Have fun :)

So, now I'm clear on the rules, let's go ...

1. Name a beauty regime that you rarely do:

Ahh the list could go on and on, my new years resolution is to try harder in my appearance. It’s not that I don’t have the make up or equipment, I have qualifications as a beautician so have no excuses! It is just I am so lazy, maybe I have got to the age that I just don’t care what I look like, the truth is that I just find it hard to get time and since losing my flat and not being 100% health wise the pennies have been tight so my appearance has taken a back seat. I do however think that making an effort in my appearance will make me feel so much better, regardless of conditions so I intend to do it! – This is going to sound so gross but in the winter months I do let my legs get a little bit hairy lol, it just isn't top on my list of things to do when I don’t have to get them out ha, I don't even care at physio anymore, let me be hairy lol

2. Is washing your brushes something you do regularly:

Is it gross if I say no? Again I am lazy – I just bin them and buy new ones, I only ever use the cheap ones anyway so this isn't a huge issue – I have had expensive brushes though and when I washed them I used baby shampoo, works a treat!

3. How long will you last with chipped nail polish:

Although I am lazy in all other aspects, I do like to keep on top of my nails! – Since I have been getting rid of my pneumonia however, my nails have been neglected. I haven’t done them since my Birthday in February and I am ashamed to show you the results… 

They were once a nice dusty pink! Now totally yuck!

4. How long do you put off buying/replacing a beauty or nail polish product even if you need it? IE - purchasing a new top coat or a new foundation etc:

I can never resist a new nail varnish but the one product I CANNOT run out of is foundation, I always make sure I have enough. At the moment I am using Clinique Redness Solution as I am a glowing red from all my germs and coughing as well as my physio sessions! – It retails at £23.00 and I am so tight with money normally but it does the trick and a girl must look beautiful so, this is a must for me!

5. What is your worst beauty habit:

Hmm my worst beauty habit… it has to be never finishing a product entirely. I can safely say I never, ever fully use a product which is terrible considering I am pinching the pennies right now!

6. Name something non-beauty related that you put off doing all the time:

Getting my bikini body back, I guess this is non-beauty related a little… I do not necessarily put my goal of getting my bikini body back 'off', it is just that due to my condition I am finding it difficult! Having HMS has made exercise a lot harder, even with intense physio I am still piling on the pounds. Eating healthy is a must but I get so tired and working away from home as well as never being anywhere for very long takes its toll on my diet, oh hello belly :)

7. When going out somewhere, do you leave getting ready until the last minute or not:

I hardly ever go out so when I do get the opportunity I like to take my time, Eyelashes, perfect dress and great hair are a must so no, I defo plan ahead and do not leave anything to last minute!

8. Can you commit to spending bans:

No, well I can stop myself, I just have an awful habit of getting my boyfriend to buy me things instead lol

9. How organised is your makeup and nail polish collection:

Terrible lol, I am the messiest person ever, I just don’t have time to be tidy, organised chaos is my trait!

10. What is the longest amount of time you have gone without writing a blog post:

A good few months. Sometimes life just takes over and it is the last thing on my mind, although I do enjoy it or I wouldn't do it :)

I Tag:

(I apologise if you have already been tagged by someone else, I have not been on top of reading blogs lately so please forgive my potential ignorance!)

Bex from Futures
Charlotte from CharlotteMarie11
Kathryn from CrystalJigsaw
Danielle from TinksTales

Each have blogs I enjoy :) Thanks again Louise! x

2 March 2013

An afternoon with Georgia & Alfie

I know this is a bit of a cheat post, but I thought these photos of my niece and nephew were too cute to not let you see them :-)

I am in my onsie from Primark it was only £10!


1 March 2013

Friday's Letters

Dear Friday, thank you for coming again and sorry I haven't done a Fridays letters for so long but I've been so busy with all sorts of random, crazy and ridiculous things!

Dear February/Birthday month, you're over, thank God.

Dear Kathryn, thank you for creating my new favourite fictional character Rachel from your wonderful book Nightingale Woods I really do hope you write about her again, there is nothing I enjoy more than growing to love a character and learning more and more about them!

Dear ladies that stole my purse on Wednesday, I hope you enjoy my £90. It was all I had left of my wages and birthday money apart from £20 so thanks. I hope you get caught soon as your tactics to get my purse in the first place were disgusting! Do not mess with my nephew and god son! - note to self, must open up that blasted bank account so I don't have to carry my cash all the time...

Dear Turkey, guess what? I'm coming back to visit you, and I am so, so excited! It's not until August but words cannot describe how much I crave your heat and pool :) seeing as I am now t total I think I'm going to enjoy it so much more!

Dear readers/fellow bloggers old, new, far and wide! can any of you inspire me for posts like this while I am so busy nannying? These posts basically write themselves so I can do them before bed and I always find them fun and full of writing before I know it!

Dear Power Rangers on Netflix, I never want to see or hear you again!

Dear LaSenza, I used to love you so much! I know you went into administration but why are all the bras price tags torn off in your stores? I'm quite conscious of buying underwear and so I ran a mile when I couldn't find a price on any items!

Dear Mum, thanks for backing me on gaining more qualifications in what I actually enjoy! I also will really like to drive but my confidence isn't all there yet.

Dear Medical issues, hyper mobility syndrome, so you dislocated my knee cap this time and now I keep waking up with nose bleeds and the sorest throat, on Wednesday I woke up to a sneeze that went in mouth, gross so don't do it again! Sleeping is getting easier but that's only because I'm so tired from these 3 little monsters! It's not until I hit my pillow that I realise how much I still ache... So thankful to the kids for helping me forget and giving me a job to do that I can manage (just about)

Dear unfollowers, I wasn't gone that long, sorry I have a life outside of my laptop :(

Happy Friday xxx
