22 April 2013

Get to know the blogger

Bit of a cheat post but it entertained me for a little while...

1. What's your name, nickname, etc... And what's the story behind it?
My real name is Luiza, pronounced LU-E-ZA, My nick name is Lulu.  It was decided that I would always be called Lulu as I am named after my great Nan, who was called Nanny Lulu, (real name Mary) but my Mum decided I'd never get a respectable job being called Lulu so decided to put Luiza on my birth certificate as it started with Lu and she didn't like Lucy as it didn't sit well with my last name...

2. What year were you born?
1990, but I was made in the 80's!

3. What is your earliest memory?
This is going to sound totally depressing but the only way I have any concept of time that long ago is if I can remember my Mum and Dad together, I would say my most earliest memory would be when I was  about 2 and I was in hospital over Christmas, my Mum and Dad where there together so I know I was really, really young!

4. Where do you want to be in 5 years time?
I want to be settled down, in 5 years time I will be 28 (errr so old) so yes I would like to be with someone who I can trust, rely and depend on and be in our own place and maybe married?!!! lol, Omg I have to be married before I am 30!!!!!!!! as for a job, I would like to be settled into one that I enjoy and would have liked to have been there for longer than 1 year!

5. Where do you want to be in 10 years time?
In the same job as I was in 5 years previous, married and maybe some kids, although by 33 maybe just the one

6. Have you got kids/want kids?
No I do not have kids and yes I do want them, I am majorly maternal but can't say I am broody at the moment, I want to give my kids everything so want to be ready myself in all aspects before I go ahead and bring a new life into the world!

7. What is your favourite thing to do?
Sleep and eat lol, relax, sunbathe... just chill!

8. What are you super excited for in the near future?
Erm... This is going to sound so lame but I am excited for the final installment of the Sookie Stackhouse book series coming out next month, there has been one every year since I was 11, I so couldn't have read them from that age though lol

9. Tell me 5 random facts about yourself?
Hmm random facts... I am left handed, I can talk for England when I am not shy, I hate walking, I wish I could sing and I am rubbish with numbers!

10. What is your dream job and why?
Ahh I would love to write a book, I always read a good book and think why couldn't I do that?

11. What is the most difficult thing you've had to forgive?
There has been a lot of things, one person sticks in my mind and I don't think I have forgiven them but in many ways what happened was a blessing in disguise!

12. If you could live anywhere where would it be and why?
Florida, I just remember loving it so much out there and I picked up the accent so quickly ha ha

13. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it?
Again this is going to sound weird and slightly psychopathic but I am a sufferer of HMS and my power would be to be able to inflict what pain I am in onto someone else as there are a lot of arse holes out there that are ignorant and I think it would be the only way for them to appreciate what it feels like to have limbs dislocate at random and all the rest of the joys HMS brings! Mind control would be really good too ha ha

14. What is your favourite part of your body?
I don't have one, yuck! 

15. What are your phobias?
Losing the ones I love, spiders, the unknown, VEINS, blood tests, poor health and not being able to sleep!

1 comment:

  1. Ha number 2 made me cackle xx

