26 April 2012

What is perfect?! The weight debate

I have found myself debating back and forth in my head what is perfect re: WEIGHT.

I have always struggled with my weight and not from being what people consider big but from being too small....

In the last year or so I have finally managed to put on the 2 and a half stone I needed to feel normal and look healthy, I have never been more confident and yet the negative comments are flooding in.

I am going to upload pictures of myself as far back as 2009, I am not being big headed but I am a lot better now than I was when I was under 6 stone, so the Fatty police can do one.  I didn't have anorexia or anything I just had a really high metabolism, I was who I was and I am who I am now!

cringe! this wasn't the smallest I had ever been but it is pretty small! This is a picture from my sisters wedding when I was 19, I don't think having braces helped with my weight at all as, as my other brace face buddies will know the food you can eat with a ridiculous amount of wire in your mouth is limited... I think I was about 6 stone here.

Puerto Rico aged 20... (I know I look about 12 lol) I was about 6 and a half maybe 7 stone at this point, look a little healthier than I did in 2009 and yay no braces!  This defo had an effect on my weight, I could eat anything and everything again! HAPPY DAYS.

Colchester Zoo aged 21! Sitting on a lion because that's how I roll. Look I have boobs! I'd say I was just over 7 stone here, was going through a really difficult time here but look how healthy I look? oh, yeah, I dyed my hair too :P JUST in case you thought, hold on a minute...

The start of April! 8 stone exactly.  This is the photo someone commented on saying I was 
'obese' *face palm*

At the end of the day I think I'm the best I have ever been and I am not going to lose weight just because some loser thinks I'm fat.

From being 5 and a half stone at the age of 17-18 to 8 stone at 22 is a good thing! my point is there is always going to be some jealous person making comments no matter what you look like.

If you're happy with who you are then that's all that matters!


25 April 2012

Midnight Sun


So I mentioned on Twitter I was feeling pretty uninspired re: Blogger today.  I made some progress with my health however! I actually see a doctor that knew the difference between their left and right hand and I have been given a course of medication that should help me with my aches and pains so YAY fingers crossed... 

This post was almost never published as someone (my nosey boyfriend) rudely tried reading this post before I had finished it over my shoulder, which, really irritates me, does it irritate you?! I know I am going a bit off on a random mentioning this as I obviously wouldn't have intended to add it to my post initially but I have realised my infuriation of people reading my unfinished writing isn't that uncommon at all...

Anyway, I made a page on Facebook ages ago relating to my love for the Twilight books, not sure if many people know but Stephenie Meyer wrote the first book 'Twilight' in Edward Cullen's eyes too called MIDNIGHT SUN! however a rough copy of it was leaked on the internet and this obviously caused Stephenie a great upset, no writer likes their work read before it's complete and out of her upset she decided to not release it. Now do you get why I mentioned it?!!!

anyway here is the page link... http://www.facebook.com/pages/Stephenie-Meyer-please-release-Midnight-Sun/194171470847

The idea behind the page is to try and get her to release it! - I did my post, so please can you do the book?  ;)

I hadn't been on it in a while and was surprised by the amount of likes!


50 things I hate!

1. Having to blog through my phone (lol) so excuse me if this post is not formatted correctly!

2. When fast food chains discontinue a perfectly tasty product, I.e Burger King's Angry Whopper :(

3. Woolworths not being on the high street any more, admit it, every day someone says... 'They would have sold that at Woolworths!'

4. Sale tricks, you know the ones that trick the simple minded like myself, like buy 3 for 2, I always think oh £2, I'm sorry but I am numerically dyslexic and it confuses me lol

5. The film Free Willy. I loved that film as a kid and right through until I was 16, I was then told the whale that played Willy died in a Mexican dolphin tank of pneumonia due to neglect. Thanks for using then dropping Willy you twats!

6. Fake tans that go wrong, it just gives fake tan virgins an excuse to slag us girls that like to glow a little off!

7. Spending ages applying for a job and then they email you back saying you don't have the correct experience.  Did you even read my application, the CV? Can you even read?

8. Noisy neighbours when you are trying to sleep. Shot gun please? - I can't be the only person that fantasies about this at 3 in the morning.

9. People that think they can sing. No, just no

10. The 'C U Next Tuesday' word!

11. When you say 'Quick EastEnders will be on soon,' and then realise it's Wednesday

12. The ordering of takeaways when they pretend they can't find you then once they have found you refuse to give you fresh food even if its cold and slightly stale...

13. People that don't follow back on twitter when they pride themselves on following back, w*nkers!

14. Boggies. What is the point?

15. Colds! Make you feel like poo and there's nothing you can do about them, at all!

16. Hearing the same 'ring tone' that your work phone rings like when you're out of the office, always
sends a shiver down my spine!

17. University students/Graduates that think they can look down on people that didn't go to Uni. Not everyone has the same aspirations, it's what makes the world interesting! So glad the majority of University students/Graduates aren't like this but the ones that are, use your intelligence!

18. Apprenticeship laws, apprenticeships aren't regulated enough, people will work for peanuts alongside gaining a qualification if they are treated fairly. Apprenticeships are a step in to a career not a 12 month stint of legal slave labor.

19. The governments clarification for certain financial help being based on per house hold not per parent.  The government think that every man that lives in a house with a woman and her child should pay for them regardless of whether they are a biological parent or not. Obviously the government don't believe in safe sex then!

20. A good series of books ending. I know all good things must come to an end, but just one more... Please?

21. My boyfriend thinking he's the King of the remote control, turning it over while I'm mid program. Ahh!

22. Becoming attached to a fictional character way too much then they die. Ouch

23. Fake Ugg boots that twist, euw!

24. Chavs! (Enough said)

25. Bielibers! I do not wish death upon Justin Bieber, I'm happy to let him dance and sing around...What I HATE about those with 'Bieber fever' is every Facebook status, every tweet, every blog post is about him! Get a life!

26. Asthma. I got it at 21! Why?!?!!!!!

27. Feeling sick, it's horrible I can never sleep, eat or anything!

28. My hair, its straight and boring. I've tried everything to get curls, looks like only 18 cans of hair spray on each curl make it work!

29. Tube rage. It doesn't happen every day but when someone shoves me or purposely touches my arse, I let them know how I feel!

30. The cost of travel. Oh hey let's up the train fares and not improve our already crap service one little bit!

31. Girls, ok let me rename that, 2nd class humans that happen to have boobs trying it with your boyfriend when they know you exist yet don't care.

32. Ignorant people!

33. Nuclear bombs, get rid of them all.

34. Perfect looking women, whenever I see them I get depressed and want boob jobs, eye brow lifts etc...

35. Chip shop chips that aren't made right. They have to be warm, crispy on the outside, fluffy on the inside and salt and vinegar, yum

36. When it's my boyfriends turn to do the washing up and it gets left and left and left lol

37. Grammar/spelling police on Twitter/Facebook. It's so pathetic, if it was a published book then yes, but please not a social website, I appreciate it's annoying when people Talk Lyk Dis but just let their phase pass, it will, hopefully.

38. You really, really need a wee you finally get to a toilet, pull your pants down so you can sit on the seat and bam someone else's urine is on your arse. Cheers for being a sweet and wiping the seat.

39. Not having a little sister. Would love a little sister under my wing, would make me so much more responsible and it would be nice to have someone to share my families dramas with!

40. People that correct you when they are wrong and then don't admit it.

41. Oyster cards, you run for the bus you get on it go to touch in with your oyster and you have 10p less than you should, off you trot back to the shop to top up by 10p and then you wait another 20 mins for another bus, or an hour if you're waiting for a 275.

42. My glasses. I used to be able to see without them, now my life depends on them! I hate them!

43. Girls that wear leggings like they are trousers. I do not want to see your underwear or 'lack of' thank you very much.

44. When you can't tell if someone is a man or a woman. It's so annoying because it doesn't matter if their a man or woman but deep down you just really want to know.

45. People that put their bag on a train seat when it's packed out with people. Are you thick? Did your bag buy a train fair like me? - Then when you ask them if you could sit there they huff like you've just told them they have 8 chins.

46. Spammers, OMG have you heard what this person has been saying about you? - change your password numpty!

47. Having no money and seeing loads of things you simply must have, NOW!  - Having money and seeing loads of things you simply must have now but can't afford because you're saving.

48. People that slag of The Only Way is Essex. It's a bit of light-hearted humour about where I live, it cheers me up and I don't care what anyone else says!

49. When me and Joey stay at my Nan's and she tries to make as much noise as possible from half 5 (AM) until we give up and get up at half 8 and she says to us, 'Afternoon!'

50. A blog challenge that is called '100 things I hate,' - I struggled so ended at 50 lol. ;)


5 April 2012

The Vampire Genre

Hey hey!

Here is my Vampire book post as promised!

As you may or may not be aware I am unconditionally, one hundred percent in love with VAMPIRES!

My love for Vampires started with a world wide favourite series of books Twilight, I started reading them when I was 19 and instantly fell in love with the whole idea of vampires.  Edward Cullen, Bella Swan, Jacob Black!

Once I finished the Twilight series I did feel like there was a void in my life, sad but true, I had to find a new series of books and quickly!  Obviously I watched the films and am waiting very patiently for the 5th and final instalment... anyway back to books! 

My mum brought home a series by @rachelcaine called the Morganville Vampire series, at first I was a bit wary, could anything beat Twilight? - I have come to the conclusion that Twilight cannot be beaten BUT alternatives like Morganville are just as good, they put a different twist on the vampire theme and although I would say Morganville is for younger readers I still enjoy them and am again eagerly awaiting the next book! - I will even admit to falling in love with some of the Characters as I did in Twilight!

Another great series I have come across is the Zoey Redbird series by P C Cast, although it again is based around teenage vampires it is another great twist on the genre and also adds a bit of Greek mythology to it, I cannot recommend this series enough!

My favourite since Twilight however have to be the Sookie Stackhouse series a.k.a True Blood.  It is a huge relief to actually find a vampire themed book based on a character that is older than me! I will warn you though, lots and lots of sexy time is thrown into this book, so DO NOT let your Mum read it.

ANYWAY, Once I start to read the next instalments of  these books I will do a more thorough review on them, I currently have my nan ribberting in my ear about her TV not working so it is very hard to concentrate!


4 April 2012

New home


I am finally all settled in to my new home(ish) it's horrible moving when you don't want to.  I mean, I really did hate my neighbours making my washing smell of weed and keeping me up all night but it was my home!!!
Never mind, onwards and upwards!

Will be scheduling a post about my loooove for Vampire books for tomorrow so watch this space!
