24 August 2012

Prince Harry gets naked!

Who actually cares?!

He is a soldier the boy is allowed to let off some steam!

To be fair, I wouldn't play strip games myself but what ever floats his boat.

Totally agree he was a silly boy and he has an image to keep up but in his defence it's not like he was in the street he was in a hotel room and his privacy has well and truly been violated! - Be grateful it wasn't a Tulisa like video!

I blame today's technology.  Things are so easy to capture in pictures and share with the world what with digital cameras, smart phones, Facebook and Twitter.

Just think of how many things have been missed before all of these were invented...

Imagine if Christian Grey was real and his story got out, oh my!

What happens behind closed doors should stay behind closed doors, I am sure the photographer of this photo has done some pretty wild things too, what goes around comes around dearest!

I still love you Harry :)


23 August 2012

GCSE Results

It's that time of year again, GCSE results are in and the news has said the amount of A's to C's have dropped.

I am so miffed at this, the government are constantly saying they are getting easier etc., but I don't think half of the government could even get C's!

I did my GCSE's in 2006 and got 1 A in English, 1 B in Drama, 6 C's in Maths, Science, Sociology, RE, Biology, Chemistry and Physics, another in English and 1 D in History (oops).

I was so happy with my grade, I am dyslexic so was really, really happy with these grades!

I got a new job in 2011 and I had to go to college for it, I already have A Levels in Business Studies but I had an opportunity to get a  higher qualification so thought why not.

I was shocked when I found out that because I had completed my GCSE's 5 years ago I would have to re take my Maths and English GCSE? what? re take? but I got an A and a C? Who cares if it was 5 years ago, what is the point of them if they suddenly become void?! I was so insulted! They put me in a class with people that hadn't got the grades and the tutor we had to refresh our memory wasn't even an English or Maths teacher...What a waste of my time!

I am still so shocked by this.  I complained to the college and was told it was something to do with government funding.  What will they think of next?!

So there you go, that is my reason as to maybe why people haven't bothered so hard this time round...  As if you do fail you can just re take them and if you do pass you have to take them again after 5 years as in the governments eyes they become void lol.

17 August 2012

Being Bendy

I came across a blog post and it pretty much sums everything about what I am going through up.

Obviously it doesn't all apply to me, you'll understand that if you read it all.

I cannot express how happy I am to actually find this blog post, I feel a huge weight off of my shoulders it explains the condition so well and has made me feel so much better about myself.  Sometimes I wake up and feel like a complete hypercondriac and when people ask me to explain it to them I panic because I think omg you are a hypercondriac... but I am not and people that think I am just  don't understand it.

A link to the blog I found is here (Living Bendy)

below I have drag quoted sections I would like to highlight myself in my own blog post.

'A lot of people have never heard of hms/eds and those who have, often don't understand what exactly it is, after all it’s a very complex condition that even most Dr's don't even understand...

...Hms/Eds is pretty much the same condition... (With Ehlersdanlos being more severe)...

...people with either 'diagnosis' need treating exactly the same...it is not something you suddenly get, although some people (like myself) have very few problems until they reach their 20s...

...Because of the bendiness of the joints, a person with hms/eds will use their joints over a 1000 times more in one day than a regular person...

....The lack of collagen in a sufferers body is the main reason for the symptoms of this condition because collagen is present in organ tissue as well as the joints, people with the condition can also have problems with their organs, in particular, organs that are designed to move... in particular problems such as ibs, slow transit, incontinence and other similar problems. The same goes for the bladder too.

In women with hms/eds, the womb has to contract much harder during her period in order to shed the unused lining...It also makes it difficult to maintain a pregnancy and many women with hms/eds experience more miscarriages and problems conceiving...

...Some people may have very few problems and lead normal lives, able to do the same as people without the condition. At the other end of the scale, some people are seriously affected by the condition resulting in severe disability...

...Pain is a major symptom so becomes the main focus for treatment. Pain in hms/eds is difficult to control because it can fluctuate easily. But in a lot of cases, medications such as tramadol, codeine and even morphine are used to help manage the pain. It often does not take the pain away but only brings it down to a more mangeble level...

....Because the joints of a person with hms/eds are so unstable and dislocate so easily, a lot of the time they go back into the right position very easily so people with the condition often learn fix to dislocated joints themselves...

...One of the biggest problems people with hms/eds face is the lack of understanding from friends, family and collegues. A person with hms/eds may appear to be fine, especially if they can walk. Often a person with hms/eds may be able to do something one day but not the next such as pouring a kettle or walking up the stairs. So it becomes difficult for others to understand just how difficult the condition can be...'

I hope even if you haven't read the original blog post by my blogger hero that what I have highlighted gives you a little bit of insight in to what it is.  As it mentioned, it is a very hard condition to describe and yet again I cannot express my gratitude to the person who wrote it and for laying it out for people to learn, I would not have had the patience!  

I am not writing this blog post for attention, or for your sympathy.

I am writing it to help spread the awareness.  The last paragraph from the quote is most probably what gets to me the most.  Having friends, family and colleagues not understand or turn a blind eye hurts.

 As it is such a difficult thing to explain I don't really bother to  I can go on like normal, I really can.  This however does get awkward when friends are like 'oh you're in pain again,' I could so easily scream and shout my frustrations to them but I don't.  It is like I am not allowed to ache, or let people know I am in pain.

My Dad is the WORST! he'll say to me, 'Last week it was your hip now it's your shoulder?' some people will never understand and I would like to say I don't mind but deep down I do... none the less, I am not going to judge someone for not understanding, as it clearly says in what I quoted above, one day someone with it can be fine, the next day not so much.  I do get really embarrassed when I am in pain though because I think my friends are going to talk about me behind my back etc... Maybe I am just paranoid but I know some of them do.  Do you really think I want to be like this?

I am still active, I try to go to the gym and I would love to get back in to rock climbing and all the crazy activities I used to do. I MISS IT SO MUCH.

I would also like to get back in to work, I left this January.  My dream is to work with children so I am looking into ways to get my foot in the door for that at the moment.

I did 3 years full time in an office so before the judgemental do judge me, I have worked and I do not currently receive any benefits.  I am in and out of hospital at the moment as I am having my ovaries tested as well as scans for the pains.  Embarrassingly I even get IBS because of it... 

So before you judge me for currently not working remember that I do appreciate how hard a job is to maintain, especially when you're in a lot of pain for various reasons with everyone throwing the 'hypercondriac word around.'  It is spiteful and does hurt but now I know what is going on I can shrug it off.  I can begin to get myself sorted out, It is taking a while but I am doing something.  My Mum would never let me sit on my arse all day.  It annoys me when people pretend they can see through closed doors.

I have trouble with my shoulders, back, hips and my right hand -  in regards to my hand, mainly my thumb. Sometimes I can't even open a packet of crisp, how pathetic do I feel? the pain just to use my thumb with pressure is a joke.

I am blessed as I don't have this condition nearly as bad as some other sufferers and my heart goes out to them.  You don't think about the simple things like flushing a toilet or walking up a flight of stairs effecting people in life do you?

So here it is, this is me.  At first I was scared to put this all out there but I have and think what you like about it.

For everyone that has been there for me so far thank you.  I know my problems aren't the worst in the world but a problem share is a problem halved and I am glad I have built up the courage to tell you all about it.