28 April 2013

A day without laughter is a day wasted

This post goes live on a Sunday but I will warn you in advance it was written Thursday!

Ahh, what a week I have had and like I said, as I write this it is only Thursday...

Can't complain about the weather so far, I have a sun burnt nose! I was reading through previous posts this week and texts and what not, my god do I use exclamation marks a lot lol.  I also say 'lol' a lot too. OMG! And Oh My God! lol ahh.. this could go on forever...

Alfie said the funniest thing ever today, before school we had a bit of time to kill and he decided to get his nerf gun out and shoot me as I was trying to change Harry's nappy.  I collected all the bullets stole the gun off him and shot him back lol.  It was so funny he shouted 'AUNTIE LULU, MY WILLY, YOU SHOT MY WILLY! I THINK IT FELL OFF!' hahahahaha, I was miserable but that cheered me up a lot lol.  For the record, his willy did not fall off lol.

The kids have started taking their scooters to and from school so getting them to walk is less of a struggle but the accident rate has gone up, on the way back from nursery today, Alfie was next to me, I looked both ways no cars where coming, I said come on Alf and next thing I know he's speeding the wrong way as he lost control and a bus is coming, I had the pram so screamed for Alfie to get out of the road, run the pram over the curb super quick and then he followed as he panicked and he hit the curb and flew (like Captain America according to him) as he flew he scraped all of his nose, poor little man!  Really hate when vehicles speed up and down that road, it's right near the school and bus drivers should know better!

I am just waiting for the baby to go to sleep so I can have a shower, it's super hot out again today so I neeeeeeeed it, my back is killing me too.  Think it's down to stress, it's been a bumpy week emotionally...

Not much left to say unless you want to be depressed to death!

Next week is my last week of being the 'Nanny' and as much as I'll miss the little monkeys, I am looking forward to a nice break.  I am totally going to spoil myself to a Victoria's Secrets bikini and going to have cocktails in my garden, in my bikini, SUNSHINE :) I just wish Hayley was around because she's my cocktail buddy! I may even try and find someone to come Stratford with me for 2 for 1 cocktails? anyoneeeeeee?

Happy Sunday everyone xxx

24 April 2013

A moment in time - 1

I have seen loads of people completing 'A moment in time' posts and have decided to steal the idea and put my own twist on it, for those of you that aren't aware of what it's about, bloggers have been starting from their year of birth and have been writing about events that stand out for each year they have been alive.  I think I am going to cheat and do 6 years a pop as whenever I commit to these weekly posts I never actually stick to them so maybe if I can squeeze it all into 4 posts, it will be easier as well as less work... lazy bones :)

So I guess it would make sense for me to start from the beginning...


I was born in February and the world was a better place! ha ha, just kidding, obviously I cannot remember any of this as I did just pop out of my Mum and basically sleep, eat and poop for the whole year...  I really cannot think of much more to say but other people have wrote so much even about their first year, so I may as well try...

You'll have to ask my parents how I was conceived lol, but please don't tell me! I think my Mum told me that she was at the hospital for her dodgy knee when she found out she was pregnant with her little bundle of sunshine he he, she was about to have something injected and when they asked if their was any chance she was pregnant she said, 'possibly...' and wham bam, I was there in her belly!

She was 30 and my Dad was 33, I was both their first child, my parents had been together since my Mum was 15 so they waited a while lol.

At the time I lived in Highams Park in East London and we had a cat called Binge that my Mum found in a dust bin in the 80's, I loved that house so much and in my dreams I still think we live there, it's really weird.  I only ever dream about the old house!  I remember people always used to say how can you live so close to the train tracks? as the house backed on to the Chingford line through to Liverpool Street, to be honest I never even noticed the noise of the train and to this day if I am in a bed near an over ground rail way line I always seem to sleep better. Providing I'm not outside anyway :p

My Mum went back to work quite soon after having me, she tells me she went to work just for a break away from me lol.


I turned 1, working out how old I was until I hit 10 by the year is super easy as my Mum was clever enough to have me right at the start of the decade lol.

Again, I really do not know what to say... I don't know how people have wrote so much about their early life, from photo albums I know that my first 2 Christmas' were spent in hospital though, I was always a sicky baby, I was put on a wheat and dairy free diet as I was allergic to them and as I was so little they liked to weigh me every week.  My Mum tells me that people always used to have a go at her for having me sitting up as I was 'too young' to be sitting up in a pram, even though I was 1, silly old ladies!

I remember we had next door neighbours called Shirley and Tom and next door there was a little boy, I think his name was Darren but I used to think it was Sharron the same as my mum and he used to throw things at me lol, I think I was a little older than 1 when this used to happen but it just sprang to mind lol.


February the 5th came and went, I was now 2, yay, not sure if I was talking much or talking at all but hey, my Mum has a picture of me in my high chair by the back door on my 2nd Birthday and all you can see is snow!

Where my Mum was back at work full time I was looked after by my Nan's, Nanny Chris and Nanny Mal.  My Nanny Chris would come down and look after me on a Monday and Tuesday and my other Nan the Wednesday to Friday.  I really cannot remember weekends as a kid that early, I have no memory of being with my Mum and Dad together anyway.  I feel so silly calling my Nan's 'Nanny Chris' and 'Nanny Mal' but Nan Chris and Nan Mal don't sound right!


I am sure this was about the time I started play school, I remember having my Nan's take me and pick me up and having to take an apple lol, I don't know if I actually had to take an apple but I did, every day, I don't even like apples? lol

I hated going nursery, I would rather stay indoors with my Nan's driving them mad!

I think 1993 was around about the time that Binge my cat died, I don't remember much but I do actually remember going for the walk to put her down.  If my memory serves me right my Mum had just got back from a girls holiday to Gran Cayman so that wasn't great end of holiday news!

According to my Mum I could read and write at 3 and spent many happy hours watching Disney films, which I still do... I really want to replace all of my video cassettes with DVD's.


I was now 4,  I can remember a little bit more about being 4 as I was obviously a little bit older.  I started nursery and was still being weighed all the time at the hospital, this was also the year my Mum and Dad broke up.

I remember every morning I would stand up the top of the stairs as my Mum installed a child gate and cry down for my Dad to come and get me as he was an early riser, he'd come up, get me and watch kids TV with me all morning, I would watch all the adverts and be like, 'I want that, and that, and that, Daddy I already have that,' ha ha.

One afternoon my Dad was in the bedroom and I was bright enough to realise he had been crying, Daddy's didn't cry so I knew something was up, he told me he wasn't going to be there in the morning but would be back to see me soon.  I remember thinking, why? but just went off and played with my toys or whatever, it wasn't until the next day when I got out of my bed and stood at the top of the stairs that I realised the TV wasn't on, I could only hear silence, I actually remember just standing there looking down at the front door thinking, oh yeah he said he wasn't going to be there in the morning... and he never was again!

Depressing but that's all I really remember... I wish I had more happier memories to share but they haven't stuck with me lol.

I know in 1994 my Mum met the bloke she's with now and that I used to just really want my Dad back all the time, that's about all I remember!


I started full time school, yay! I went Handsworth and thinking back it was such a rubbish school, it's all under a new Head teacher now though so it may have got better, or not... I remember my very first day of school, my Mum took the morning off of work to take me and dropped me off at the local secondary school instead, whoops...

Another memory that sticks in my head is my Nan's car, it used to be such a death trap, it used to jump around and my Nan used to tell me it had kangaroo petrol lol.  I actually thought it was an actual petrol, I am still gullible to this day...

I have fond memories of her driving me home from school and begging her to let go of the steering wheel and crying with laughter, bless my Nan ha ha.

So I was 5 by 1995 and I went on my first plane, wahayyy! It was awful, I remember being so excited about flying and my Mum let me sit by the window, as the plane took off I remember thinking, I'm flying, I'm flying, then I started screaming MUM WE'RE FLYING, WE'RE LIKE A BIRD, WE'RE IN THE SKY! WE'RE FLYING, I CAN TOUCH THE CLOUDS! Pretty sure the rest of the plane wanted to sedate me/shoot me as the cuteness wore off after the first 20 seconds of my squealing, I then discovered I suffer from travel sickness so soon swapped my squealing for throwing up :)

The plane was taking us to Cyprus and omg what a holiday.  I remember one night going to put my pajamas on, my now step brother was on the bed next to me doing the same and a big black blob on the wall caught my eye...  A BLOOD CURDLING SCREAM left my mouth and Richard my step brother looked then he started screaming too.  This is when my now step sister walked in, started screaming, followed by my Mother who screamed louder than all of us, followed by her husband.  It was an African Bird Eating Spider, in my room on my wall!

No one got close enough to take a proper picture and it was back in the day where the digital camera didn't exist... Gives me the heebie jeebies now, the spider expert or whatever they are called said it was lucky we see him/her as if it would have bitten me, I was small enough for it to have killed me verrrrry quickly... I guess it would have been a short death ha ha.

Wow I am tired after all that writing, I think... I will leave 1996 until next week.

Happy Hump Day everyone xxxx

23 April 2013

Pet hates

The abuse that happens after a celeb/public figure or what not dies, they're dead now.  What can you actually do? In some cases like Jimmy Saville I can understand as from all that's come out it has raised enough awareness so that it can never happen again but all this Margaret Thatcher the Milk Snatcher stuff, she's dead, she was HUMAN, she has family and friends have some respect!

Men that slag off women for having small breasts. - Big boobs or small boobs who cares? Some women don't have them at all due to things like Breast Cancer.  How does it make you less of a woman if they are small or not there? Have some respect. Absolute Morons who obviously have microscopic dicks!

People that just stand at the bottom or top of a flight of stairs or escalator and have a lovely little chat, moooooove!

Read notifications on facebook, bb, imessages, they make my paranoia rage! Ha ha, I always feel inclined to reply in case the person who sent me the message thinks I'm rude and ignoring them...


The new 'Page You Might Like' advert that links up under photos your friends uploads on Facebook. I won't mention names or embarrass with a screen shot but my friend put a photo up of her baby and underneath it said 'Page You Might Like, Durex condoms...' Got to admit I giggled!

Jessie J. Hear me out before you send me hate, she's an amazing singer and song writer, I also pat her on the back for shaving off her hair and all the rest but I really cannot sit and watch her on the TV, she is so cocky and arrogant, people say it's because she was bullied and is from Essex etc... Well I tick both those boxes too and I'm not like that.  She's so talented and gifted and this shines through her work so she doesn't need to blow her own trumpet all the time to get noticed.

Book series that take a whole year for the next instalment to come out, I'm so forgetful I end up having to read the whole series again...

Orange, EE or whatever that most awful mobile service provider calls its self.  I could rant for hours as to why I LOVE them so!

Men that think they are put on earth to help guide women through life as they are inferior and need a keeper.  Without a woman you wouldn't be here, to be fair yes a man is involved in the 'process' but until a man pushes a baby out of his BEEP then please shut up.

Where have all the decent waxing salons gone? Yes threading is good and has amazing results, is most definitely healthier and kinder to the skin but damn does it hurt!

Loose glitter on cards, Yes I said GLITTER! Please stick it down responsibly make it non tacky and defo not lose and flaky, coat it so that glitter can be enjoyed safely and risk free :)

Repeats on Disney Junior, after watching it every day with the kids since January I can quote the script backwards, forwards and probably in French too.

This weather, are you cold or hot? Blow you away windy or light and breezy? Please let me know as my wardrobe is suffering, being cold is awful and sweating is even worse!

The price of NHS prescriptions, do you know how much just my asthma medication costs per month?! PPC's all the way!!!

And I am done :) moaning is so fun and passes time lol :) xxx

22 April 2013

Get to know the blogger

Bit of a cheat post but it entertained me for a little while...

1. What's your name, nickname, etc... And what's the story behind it?
My real name is Luiza, pronounced LU-E-ZA, My nick name is Lulu.  It was decided that I would always be called Lulu as I am named after my great Nan, who was called Nanny Lulu, (real name Mary) but my Mum decided I'd never get a respectable job being called Lulu so decided to put Luiza on my birth certificate as it started with Lu and she didn't like Lucy as it didn't sit well with my last name...

2. What year were you born?
1990, but I was made in the 80's!

3. What is your earliest memory?
This is going to sound totally depressing but the only way I have any concept of time that long ago is if I can remember my Mum and Dad together, I would say my most earliest memory would be when I was  about 2 and I was in hospital over Christmas, my Mum and Dad where there together so I know I was really, really young!

4. Where do you want to be in 5 years time?
I want to be settled down, in 5 years time I will be 28 (errr so old) so yes I would like to be with someone who I can trust, rely and depend on and be in our own place and maybe married?!!! lol, Omg I have to be married before I am 30!!!!!!!! as for a job, I would like to be settled into one that I enjoy and would have liked to have been there for longer than 1 year!

5. Where do you want to be in 10 years time?
In the same job as I was in 5 years previous, married and maybe some kids, although by 33 maybe just the one

6. Have you got kids/want kids?
No I do not have kids and yes I do want them, I am majorly maternal but can't say I am broody at the moment, I want to give my kids everything so want to be ready myself in all aspects before I go ahead and bring a new life into the world!

7. What is your favourite thing to do?
Sleep and eat lol, relax, sunbathe... just chill!

8. What are you super excited for in the near future?
Erm... This is going to sound so lame but I am excited for the final installment of the Sookie Stackhouse book series coming out next month, there has been one every year since I was 11, I so couldn't have read them from that age though lol

9. Tell me 5 random facts about yourself?
Hmm random facts... I am left handed, I can talk for England when I am not shy, I hate walking, I wish I could sing and I am rubbish with numbers!

10. What is your dream job and why?
Ahh I would love to write a book, I always read a good book and think why couldn't I do that?

11. What is the most difficult thing you've had to forgive?
There has been a lot of things, one person sticks in my mind and I don't think I have forgiven them but in many ways what happened was a blessing in disguise!

12. If you could live anywhere where would it be and why?
Florida, I just remember loving it so much out there and I picked up the accent so quickly ha ha

13. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it?
Again this is going to sound weird and slightly psychopathic but I am a sufferer of HMS and my power would be to be able to inflict what pain I am in onto someone else as there are a lot of arse holes out there that are ignorant and I think it would be the only way for them to appreciate what it feels like to have limbs dislocate at random and all the rest of the joys HMS brings! Mind control would be really good too ha ha

14. What is your favourite part of your body?
I don't have one, yuck! 

15. What are your phobias?
Losing the ones I love, spiders, the unknown, VEINS, blood tests, poor health and not being able to sleep!