13 September 2014

Up North it's Better

This is just a quick post that will sum up why I prefer it up North to London so far.

Within the first week I had a new GP at a surgery that is basically over the road from me.  She was lovely.  In London 9 times out of 10 I would come out of an appointment feeling worse or just wishing the doctor had actually listened.  This GP ticked every box for GREAT during my appointment and when you've got a long term condition a doctor like this is gold dust.

The doctor surgery can do blood tests there and then, no more pointless journeys and then hours of queing at the hospital for me, just so I can go and have a blood test which might I add is close to number one, if not number one on my list of phobias.

They also do other things there and then like contraceptive injections and smear tests.  Sorry to just throw it in here but I thought I would seeing as it's #nofeargosmear month and I have recently been called up for my first one.  Now I know I don't have to travel the earth to get something that is dreaded by everyone done.  I can just go over the road and  my requested GP will do it instead of someone I don't know/trust.

I can also get my repeat prescriptions online! a proper novelty for an ex Londoner.  Also I can book all of my appointments online.  So much of the stress behind even booking a GP appointment has been taken away.  The relief these simple changes have on me is almost a new type of treatment for my condition in itself! CALM AS A CUCUMBER!

I could go on and on about the NHS here as it is a big factor as to why I like it so much more but obviously not everyone is a medical disaster like me.

I also cannot get enough of one of the local takeaways.  I never even ate fish until I tried it here.  AMAZING.  My new Friday night kebab is now Cod and Chips!

Whale and Chips

I just can't get over how much more cheaper everything is here.

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12 September 2014

200 Miles From 'Home'

As of Friday the 12th of September 2014 my boyfriend and I have lived in our new house for 2 weeks.

2 whole weeks have gone so quick! - I haven't had time to blog at all.  My original excuse was going to be I wouldn't have wifi at first, however... I had wifi within the first 12 hours of being here! YAY!  That made the upheaval so much easier to cope with. (sad but true)

Anyway, there is more to life than wifi (lol who am I kidding?) and moving house is a stressful time, especially when it's over 200 miles away from where you used to live.  Some nights I haven't even had enough time to sleep at the end of the day.  There is so much to think about and the more tasks you begin the more you realise how unprepared you are.  Even making spaghetti.  I realised all too late that I didn't have a drainer...

10 years ago I would never have thought I would be living here.  In fact one year ago I would never have thought it but I am and it's great.

So many people have been asking me why I have moved from Essex to Yorkshire, horror clearly displayed over their face.  (At least try and disguise it guys!) and I haven't really known what to say.  Well I have known, I just didn't know where to start.

London isn't what it used to be.  I did do a post not so long ago about it called The Ugly Side of London.  So that's a huge reason as well as the fact I have got no where in the last 27 months with the NHS in London.  All I've had is a diagnosis and lots of medication thrown at me, I need more than this to have a proper life.  Not just promised treatments that never actually happen.  I want to be able to breathe without having to puff away on my asthma inhaler and I want to be able to go out and have enough room to swing a cat! (not that I have one or would ever do that...)  The price of property is also a hell of a lot cheaper.  The place my boyfriend and I own now was rented out before we bought it as a 4 bedroom house for less than what we was paying for a 1 bedroom, damp flat in London!  How could we turn that down?

We are also not in the middle of nowhere as everyone keeps ignorantly assuming, 2 minutes walk down the road from me is my doctor's surgery a Boots, a Superdrug, lots of restaurants a Greggs a Subways, the most amazing Fish & Chips shop an Argos extra, a petrol garage and even a cinema!  If this is the middle of nowhere, I quite like it.

Our beautiful new garden!
We haven't had anytime to decorate yet but most certainly will be putting our own stamp on the place as soon as possible.  Posts with photos to follow!

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