26 November 2013

17 reasons 2013 wasn't really that bad

I think 2012 and 2013 stunk.  Literally the worse years I have lived so far, but I thought I'd end 2013 on the most positive note I could muster up, so here are my '17 reasons' with pictures that 2013 wasn't all that bad...

I got Instagram and therefore got to keep picture mementos of special moments like this

I discovered this bi*ch in my boyfriends bedroom, with another male and I didn't let it ruin our relationship! (don't ask) Joey has a little sister... honest!

Even though I've been robbed of spending any more time with these little monkeys, I got to share a good solid 5 months, on the trot with them.  I hope as they grow up they remember how much I love them and how much fun we had together.

Barry M brought out their Gelly range. #LOVE

I managed 5 months solid of nappy changing.  I also if I say so myself aced looking after 3, sometimes 4 kids under the age of 4 all day for that amount of time too - I know now that I will make a fab Mum and have no worries :-)

I survived pneumonia!

Sky brought out a channel that plays Disney movies all day long! (not that I have sky tv or anything)

My hamster died and my niece just couldn't understand, it was sad, but this was cute.

I worked out that I was in fact a size 2 and a half in shoes and found a shop that stocks them!

My beautiful friend of 20 years got married, yes that is her peeing.

I discovered Heinz do gluten free spaghetti that tastes just as nice as the real stuff!

I conquered Candy Crush Level 100.  This obsession went on until I gave up on level 144.  What a waste of all that free time.  I actually delete anyone that sends me a candy crush request now... 

Jayde my dear friend pointed out something that made me love her even more.

I didn't go on a summer holiday this year but England's weather well and truly made up for it!

Joe showed me why I am the one that has always cooked in our 6 year relationship and I really don't mind if I cook for us for the next 100 years.

I discovered the biggest bottle of champagne for only £4 and I had a great weekend with it!

I managed to get my name on a bottle of coke, did you?


22 November 2013

Friday's Letters

Dear Friday, I will be more happy to see you on Friday the 13th of December, yes you did just read that right.  That's when I can start my Christmas shopping I am pulling my hair out waiting!  NEED TO DO IT NOW.

Dear new adventure that hasn't happened yet, I'm in two minds now, I want a new start in life but not sure if that's too much of a change.  here's hoping that 2014 is better than 2012 and 2013 anyway.

Dear Red letter days for activities I would give my left arm to be able to do again, I need that 'hash tag' miracle cure I want to go rock climbing, paint balling, canoeing and all the rest soooo badly :-( I miss it like a fat kid deprived of cake.

Dear Birthday, You're happening, you're actually happening! I have never been so excited for a birthday ever, ever, ever! I am turning 24 in style :-)

Dear Leeds, I am visiting you soon, soon, soon, soon :-D

Happy Friday xxx


1 November 2013

Friday's Letters

Dear Friday, you've come around super quick again!

Dear Friday's letters, I am actually writing you on Thursday, slightly awkward, I hope nothing epic happens in the next 24 hours that makes this post seem out-of-date.

Dear November, Welcome... WHITE RABBITS! WHITE RABBITS! WHITE RABBITS! - I hope you're just as fun as October was.


I cannot believe you've taken me all around the houses all week via emails and phone calls.  I finally got through to someone that could read (well I think...) and I was able to tell them exactly what they had to do to solve the problem (it isn't rocket but God bless your Neanderthal brains for trying)

However after his response, I think I only managed to get through to the chief of that departments 'Clan'.  I was asked to write it all in a letter for a different department as they couldn't help. #sigh

To be honest EE you've done me a favour... in a way anyway, I won't be in England when you are now allowing me to terminate my contract and the further away it is from Christmas the better deal I get elsewhere. BIG NEURGH :)

Dear Karma, Is it bad karma if you enjoy karma happening to the people that have made your life a misery in front of your eyes? because I don't think it is, I now DEFO believe in you...

Dear Toys R Us, I am soooooooo happy you've gone back to the old song in the advert, I used to get so excited when I was a kid and I love the idea that little kids get the same excitement :)

Dear Hair, I promised to get you sorted soon, I didn't.  A shaver looks like a good option right now.

Dear Readers, Watch this space my cousin has written her first book and it's in print right now, for more information like her Face-book fan page - Featherfall by Lauren Cruddas

Dear Christmas, You're creeping up soon too, I have actually been really organised this year and have all my gifts for everyone sorted and for a lot less than any other year, go me :)
(I've made a spread sheet and everything)

Happy Friday everyone!

