29 October 2013

Our long weekend away

I promised I'd do a post on my long weekend away.

It was a great few days and none of us wanted to leave, we are already planning our next weekend away, hopefully next time I will have a better camera so can take more pictures :-)

In the photo booth, we took one just of Brooke by accident so did a selfie instead
Me and Joey
Jamie and Cheryl
£4 bottle of champagne, it tasted like fizzy grape juice lol

(got it off of Instagram, as if you couldn't tell)

Boys washing up lol

I like this one

28 October 2013

Versatile Blogger Award

I would like to say a super big thank you to Jade from jadesjourneyoflife for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger Award.

It's always great to get recognised for something you enjoy doing and this award came at a great time for me as, as the very few of my readers will be aware of, I have been feeling really uninspired for posts after going through some hard things this year.

So yes, thank you for thinking of me, adding fuel to the fire and giving me the confidence and drive to carry on blogging! :)

7 Random Facts

1. I think I am the most boring person on the planet so 7 random facts about myself are proving hard to come up with... I guess I could start with the fact that my real name is Luiza, pronounced LU-E-ZA, you'll be surprised to learn of the amount of stupid people that get phased by a slightly different spelling, On 3 occasions it has been pronounced 'Loser' the first time I was in primary school and I never lived it down, the second time I was collecting a prescription at the chemist, the 3rd time was a man from EE, lets just say I gave him an earful of abuse.  No one actually calls me Luiza, they call me Lulu because that was my great Nan's nickname.  My Mum only put Luiza on my birth certificate because she thought no one would give 'Lulu' a job.  I guess people called 'Loser' do better...

2. I am a medical disaster.  I think I have everything wrong with me that you can't die from.

3. I have qualifications in Business studies, Administration, Events Management and Beauty, my favourite qualification is for waxing though.  There's nothing better than waxing someone! (very therapeutic)

4. I was born in the same hospital as David Beckham.  My boyfriend is obsessed with David Beckham and he often jokes that he is only with me because of this... hilarious.  Seeing as we're talking about celebrity links I think I'll add the fact that my best friends elbow was in an episode of The Only Way is Essex, lol #proudtimes.

5.  Not sure if this is a random fact but hey ho... As of the 1st of January 2014 and up until midnight on the 4th of February 2014 I am able to say 'I am 23 now and 25 next year.'  I've done this before my birthday every year since I could count but now the big 25 is looming over me it's starting to really freak me out.  I think I should stop making myself sound older and just hang on to the fact I am 23 for as long as I can.

6. I am left handed.  This is a really boring fact but you'll be surprised at how much being left handed causes problems in every day life so I thought it was worth a mention.

7.  I love stationary.  I literally LOVE IT.  I would happily work in a stationary shop but I think I'd be sad to sell it to people as I'd want it all for myself so maybe I should stay clear of stationary retail.

The 7 Bloggers I nominate

1. Jayde not Jade - Twitter: @ImJayde
2. Beauty Queen - Twitter: @beautyqueen_UK
3. Dolly Dowsie - Twitter: @Trixiebellexx
4. Confessions of a secret shopper - Twitter: @Staceysmum84
5. Little Miss C Louise - Twitter: @char_beyy
6. Chelles Beauty - Twitter: @chelle2788 
7. Pish posh and polish - Twitter: @kerrieblack91

The rules of the award are as follows:
  • You must put the Versatile Blogger Award pic on your blog.
  • Make sure you thank the blogger who nominated you in your blog post.
  • Write 7 random facts about yourself and nominate 7 other bloggers.

23 October 2013

No more NAILS!


This is my first beauty post in forever, everyone knows how obsessed I am with nails and being on a tight budget is no fun when you LOVE having your nails done.

My nails are naturally long and whenever I get them done in a shop the nail technician always gets so excited when she realises they are real, without blowing my own trumpet louder than the Corrie tune I will admit my nails are the only bit about me I am happy with!  I love having long nails and one day when I have the time I will do a post on how I keep them so long and unbroken.

I am going away for a long weekend on Thursday with some friends and decided to give my nails a little make over.  I have neglected them for so long, I have been walking around with no coloured polish on for ages, tut tut.

As you can see they'd got ridiculously long and they did need a shape up.  You do get used to long nails but they do get in the way when you're trying to do things like cook!

I filed them right down today, I know it kind of defeats the object of having long nails but I find filing them right down every 2 to 3 months helps to keep them strong and every time they grow back quicker and healthier.

All gone!  Someone once said to me 'OMG, why do you have them rounded?' when my nails are shorter I do prefer a nice round edge, within a week I'll be able to square these off nicely though!

Today I didn't go for my usual shocking pink, China Glaze I went with the Barry M, Gelly Hi Shine in the pink shade. (I love pink)

I LOVE the Barry M Gelly collection, it's so easy to apply, dries quickly and if you're in a rush there is no need for a top coat!

Happy Wednesday everyone :-)


22 October 2013

Lisa Jane Smith

Anyone who knows me well, knows I love a book about Vampires.

I have been working on and off of this post for a few weeks now as I wanted to do the particular author in question some justice.

I have read a fair few series Stephenie Meyer's Twilight, Rachel Caine's Morganville Vampires and Charlaine Harris' Sookie Stackhouse novels being 3 of my favourite.

I cannot explain how much I love reading and not just the Vampire genre.  Words cannot express how much I love just getting my teeth into a really good book. (ha teeth, no pun intended - I really do think I have read too much Vampire literature if I am describing things like that without realising the irony until after I read back!)

When I read I get to escape my own boring life and live in another world for however long it takes me to finish turning the pages.  I literally think I zone out when I read, I see everything I read in my head so clearly that it is like I am watching a TV series.

I in away become friends with the characters, I want to know what is going on in their life, I want to keep turning the pages to find out more and I get ridiculously frustrated when there is nothing left to read, waiting a year or more for the next addition in the series of a book can almost drive me insane! - I have to remind myself that great authors take their time to write such great stories.  I have to appreciate that me reading a 300 page novel in 1 day is not the same time frame as it took for someone to write it all out.

I become sad when the characters do, I get involved in their life and I really get inside their heads and this is why I think writing books is such a wonderful thing, it's a great talent and to be able to share a talent like this and make people as I put it earlier 'zone out' is just mind boggingly amazing!!!!!!!

I would love to write a book myself, it is my biggest dream, imagine being able to create your own little world to escape to when you want and then if it is good enough, have the pleasure of sharing your made up world of words to the real world.  I wish I wasn't dyslexic.  I didn't even know I was until a few years ago, I'd always struggled but I worked my way around it.  I got through school without any help in regards to it so I guess the dream could still happen if I put my mind to it.

Going back to Vampire books, the most recent one I have been reading is Vampire Diaries by L.J. Smith.

I am a bit of a geek when it comes to information, I like to know what I am getting myself in for when I read a series of books and that means getting to know as much information as possible about the author.

I looked up L.J. Smith and the series and I was confused to see that L.J. Smith only wrote the first 7.  An author would never just abandon their book and let someone else take over, no way.  I did a little further research and my heart goes out to her.

I found this quote on her website...

'I am sorry to tell you that I cannot write any more VAMPIRE DIARIES books. There is already another book out called VAMPIRE DIARIES: PHANTOM but it is not by me. It is by a ghostwriter. She will be writing the other books in the VAMPIRE DIARIES series now. I really, really loved that series and wanted so much and fought so hard to write it, but I signed a contract twenty years ago when I was a young and naïve writer and now I am forbidden to write the VAMPIRE DIARIES anymore. I am so very sorry.'

This made me so angry, how can a company do this to a person who has literally created this world of words from scratch, it's like stealing her baby.  It really is.

I thought do you know what? screw the rest of the books, I'll do some more research to find out how Lisa wanted to end the books.  To add further insult to this I found out that by law she wasn't allowed to even tell people how she wanted it to finish either!

I am absolutely disgusted with this, contract or no contract do they have no morals?

I actually did stop reading them because of this.  I know there is still a story to be read but I do not see any point to it if the person who conjured it all up in their head in the first place isn't even allowed to finish it how she imagined and wanted.  IT WOULDN'T BE THE RIGHT ENDING, EVER.

Lisa, I can't wait for a new book of yours to come out that some heartless money machines can't rob you for and I hope that one day you get your story back.


18 October 2013

Friday's Letters

Dear Friday's Letters, I am back and just in time for you :)

Dear Kelsea, We're coming down up to Leeds soon for a weekend, got to check out your 'new ends' and of course eat some awesome food, remind me to book 4 seats for the coach home please, my belly is about to get bigggg :-)

Dear GTA5, I have finished you already this makes me sad :-(

Dear Michael De Santa, I have a weird obsession with you, hello :-) *waves*

Dear Dr from my surgery, Are you not aware the prescriptions are now £7.85 per item? Of course you are aware, you did this on purpose! were you trying to make the NHS some money?  Cheap shot.

I am on 30mg of one item and I understand you can only get them in 10mg, 20mg and 40mg so I have to get a pack of 10mg and a pack of 20mg.  This is fine by me but...


Even the man in the chemist thought you were an a*se hole... Luckily for me I has a PPC so neurgh!  5+ prescriptions a month is what I average so of course I have a PPC.

I always have a problem with this Dr, I never go to him for appointments, he was even rude to my Nan once and she says she'd rather die than go to 'Dr Paracetamol' again, he thinks the world can be cured of everything with paracetamol, I hope he retires soon...

Dear Hair, I promise to get you sorted soon, you look like you got dip dyed wrong, I'm sorry... damn regrowth!

Happy Friday xxx
