Cannot believe I haven't posted anything in 2014 yet.
Well hello 2014, can't say I am sad to see the back of 2013!
It's hardly new year anymore but as this is the first post I have done I have to mention it.
If you're an old reader of mine you'll realise I've changed my blogs name. RIP LuluSaysss hello The Lemon Unicorn.
I have a few of my old posts still live from LuluSaysss and am off to Egypt for my birthday next week and am taking that time to wrap up a few new posts I have been working on to kick off The Lemon Unicorn with a bang.
Also got a new header and layout, I am thinking of paying for a decent one to be designed but I'm not sure if it is worth it, blogging for me is a hobby not a source of income though some income would be nice right now...
Thanks for reading every body, keep warm these next few weeks! I certainly will be this time next week ;)