13 May 2014

BEDM | Ugg boots in May

This time last year I was getting sun burn taking the kids to and from school, no chance of that happening this May!

I am a self confessed Ugg boot lover.  Yes they are ugly and plain but they are oh so comfortable and so warm.

I started wearing Uggs when I was 16/17, I was at college and I remember there was this girl and even on hot days she used to wear her Uggs and parker jacket, I know this sounds really bitchy and it was years ago but I just remember thinking there should be a time of the year Ugg boots cannot be worn lol.  I know Ugg boots were originally made to wear on the beach after surfing as they actually do keep you cool in the heat as well as hot in the cold, but no.. Just no.

We are in London so no where near the sea.

the only place near that you could potentially take a surf board is the man made lake in the forest and I wouldn't advise it...

To be honest the only reason I remember her and think I took any notice of what she was wearing was because she was constantly trying to be the object of affection for my at the time boyfriend, at 17 I wasn't grown up enough to just laugh this off and it irritated me! oh to be young.

But yes, basically I try to not wear my Ugg boots past May until at least September, because lets face it, it is Summer but with the constant rain this May I've broken my fashion rule.

Ugg boots are available here, I suggest you buy them as sods law will mean we have a brilliant summer so you won't be able to wear them until at least September! take one for the team ;)

This post is associated with the blog challenge set by Elizabeth from rosalilium.com
'blog every day in May 2014'
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