17 October 2012

Random time

  1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4.
    'El Capricho was one of the few Gaudi buildings where he did not...'
  2. Stretch your left arm out as far as you can, What can you touch?
    Oxygen lol
  3. Before you started this survey, what were you doing?
    Listening to my Mum moan about the shed they are building in the garden opposite ours
  4. What is the last thing you watched on TV?
    Rita Ora is singing to me as I type on the tele
  5. Without looking, guess what time it is
    6 o clock?
  6. Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?
  7. With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
    Rita Ora
  8. When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
    Yesterday, I was coming home from Tesco
  9. Did you dream last night?
    Yeah, I don't remember what though :s
  10. Do you remember your dreams?
    Most of the time yes
  11. When did you last laugh?
  12. Do you remember why / at what?
    At my nephew, I just keep thinking of him lol
  13. What is on the walls of the room you are in?
  14. Seen anything weird lately?
    Well the 9 year old kid that shoved my 3 year old nephew at the park the other day was weird, what a pussy! 9 years old and starting on 3 year olds
  15. What do you think of this quiz?
    It is keeping me amused for now, however, not so sure if it makes an interesting read!
  16. What is the last film you saw?
    Mary Poppins lol. I wanted to watch it because of the 'Let's go Fly a kite' Sainsburys advert :)
  17. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
    America, cliche but everyone just seems so much more happy over there
  18. If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
    I'd go buy a house, kit it out then set up a charity with the rest of the money!
  19. Tell me something about you that most people don't know.
    I am left handed 
  20. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
    Nuke all the bullies, make sure the government treat people as individuals not just putting people in categories because Mr A gets 6 ticks in this survey and Mr B gets 5.  I would also make rapists, pedophiles and murderers be tortured instead of being fed 3 times a day as well as given an x box in prison.
  21. Do you like to dance?
    I miss it so much :(
  22. Would you ever consider living abroad?
    YES! I would do anything, if someone said to me, hey you, I am moving to Spain come and open a bar with me or something, I would totally do it
  23. Does your name make any interesting anagrams?
    'IS LAZY, HUMANE RAT' just come up as I googled it...
  24. Who made the last incoming call on your phone?
  25. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?
  26. Last time you swam in a pool?
    Saturday with my cheeky niece and nephew
  27. Type of music you like most?
    Anything you can dance to
  28. Type of music you dislike most?
  29. Are you listening to music right now?
    Not now
  30. What color is your bedroom carpet?
    My bedroom floor is wooden :)
  31. If you could change something about your home, without worry about expense or mess, what would you do?
    Add a Jacuzzi and wet room 
  32. What was the last thing you bought?
    Disney Tattoo's for my niece and nephew
  33. Have you ever ridden on a motorbike?
    Yes I have
  34. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?
    I have bungee jumped but I haven't sky dived and wouldn't
  35. Do you have a garden?
    I do
  36. Do you really know all the words to your national anthem?
    I really don't lol
  37. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?
    Needing a wee
  38. If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be?
    Christina Aguilera I love her so, so, so much
  39. Who sent the last text message you received?
    Kelsea and Kelly text me at the same time :p I haven't replied yet though...
  40. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
    Depends what I wanted to buy, if it was clothes, like the whole of Westfields :D
  41. What time is bed time?
    About 10 o clock, I know it is early but I have trouble sleeping because of the pain I am in all the time
  42. Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?
    No, I wouldn't make it anyway lol
  43. How many tattoos do you have?
  44. If you don't have any, have you ever thought of getting one?
    Yea, I want two swallows or swifts on my lower back
  45. What did you do for your last birthday?
    A chinese takeaway, depressing I know but I was poor!
  46. Do you carry a donor card?
  47. Who was the last person you ate dinner with?
    My Mum and boyfriend
  48. Is the glass half empty or half full?
    Half empty
  49. What's the farthest-away place you've been?
    America I think
  50. When's the last time you ate a homegrown tomato?
    All the time lol
  51. Have you ever won a trophy?
    Yea for dancing, I miss it :( I would do anything to get back in to it
  52. Are you a good cook?
    Not bad, I love cooking
  53. Do you know how to pump your own gas?
    No, I have never had to
  54. If you could meet any one person (from history or currently alive), who would it be?
    Christina Aguilera
  55. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school?
    Yea, when I was in secondary school lol
  56. Do you touch-type?
    I do :)
  57. What's under your bed?
    Mess galore
  58. Do you believe in love at first sight?
    No, I don't
  59. Think fast, what do you like right now?
    Food and sleep makes me day perfect at the moment
  60. Where were you on Valentine's day?
    In mine and my boyfriends flat, I was sick so my Mum came over and ate my dinner with Joe lol
  61. What time do you get up?
    About 10, first lay in since forever, even though I was wide awake from 5
  62. What was the name of your first pet?
    Binge the cat
  63. Who is the second to last person to call you?
    A number I do not recognize
  64. Is there anything going on this weekend?
    I am going to enjoy myself at the spa
  65. How are you feeling right now?
    Like shit! got soar throat on top of everything else
  66. What do you think about the most?
    My future
  67. What time do you get up in the morning?
    Since I have been off sick, 9 or 10ish
  68. If you had A Big Win in the Lottery, how long would you wait to tell people?
    I don't think I would tell people
  69. Who would you tell first?
    I'd tell my Mum and that's it
  70. What is the last movie that you saw at the cinema?
    Keith Lemon movie, it was RUBBISH!
  71. Do you sing in the shower?
    I used too.  God this shows how depressed I am!
  72. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
    You've already asked this question...
  73. What do you do most when you are bored?
    Boring quizzes like this!
  74. What do you do for a living?
    I used to work in Human Resources since getting sick I have had to rethink what it is I can actually do
  75. Do you love your job?
    Not really, being sick is no fun especially when you're not entitled to anything because the doctors keep losing your results!
  76. What did you want to be when you grew up?
    An Actress
  77. If you could have any job, what would you want to do/be?
    Something fun!
  78. Which came first the chicken or the egg?
    The Chicken
  79. How many keys on your key ring?
    Do you really want me to go count?
  80. Where would you retire to?
    Somewhere hot and relaxing
  81. What kind of car do you drive?
  82. What are your best physical features?
    I guess my eyes are quite blue
  83. What are your best characteristics?
    I would like to say my ability to see the good in people all the time but it gets me in a proper pickle when arse holes mug me off
  84. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would you go?
    Anywhere hot would be nice!
  85. What kind of books do you like to read?
    Jackie Collins :D
  86. Where would you want to retire to?
  87. What is your favorite time of the day?
    Dinner time :)
  88. Where did you grow up?
    East London until I was 8 then I moved to Essex and not moved since
  89. How far away from your birthplace do you live now?
    Like 10 minutes?!
  90. What are you reading now?
    I am not reading anything, I am waiting for my Kindle :D
  91. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
    Afternoon, early evening lol
  92. Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
    No :(
  93. Can you close your eyes and raise your eyebrows?
    Yes, no botox for me
  94. Do you have pets?
    A fish called Goldzilla
  95. How many rings before you answer the phone?
    My phone is always on silent
  96. What is your best childhood memory?
    Going South End with my Nan and Grandad
  97. What are some of the different jobs that you have had in your life?
    I worked in Human Resources for 2 years then at a film production company
  98. Any new and exciting things that you would like to share?
    I am getting MARRIED! Oh no wait not me...
  99. What is most important in life?
  100. What Inspires You?
    Arse holes, I always come off better than the arse holes that upset me and it makes me feel great after all the heart ache has gone :)

16 October 2012

I know, I know...

I have been a bad blogger again :-(

My last 10 or so posts have been proper depressing too!

I  am sorry, so, so, so, so sorry! I have no excuses apart from what with all my hospital appointments and other UNWANTED drama created by inanimate objects, people and what ever else life wants to throw at me and I haven't really felt like blogging... who wants to read about me being depressed?! only the people that have something nasty to say!


So I just come back from Camber Sands with my step family and it was actually really good apart from the FREEEEEEEZING weather.  I was laying in bed with Joe and we were breathing steam lol.

I would upload a few pictures but I will have to wait for my cousin to upload them on facebook as I only got pictures of the kids myself.

I am off to Butlins next weekend with Joe, I'm going ROCK CLIMBING, RUNNING A MARATHON AND ALSO POLE DANCING while I am there... NOT.

WHILE I AM THERE I intend to take advantage of the Jacuzzi to blast my back and shoulders, will also do a bit of my physio exercises in the water for my hip.  Strengthening my hip is top of my list of things to do at the moment.  I would go into why but I was really upset by some arse hole the other day, in fact he doesn't even deserve to be named arse hole, more like ignoranus of the century.

My FAQ page came in use way before I thought it ever would.  To such an extreme too.  So as much as me talking on here about what I am going through helps me get it off my chest the hate and malicious comments I have received this month have knocked my self confidence yet again.  It always hurts but when it's from someone who is supposed to support you it does knock you for six.

But oh well all I have to tell myself is, is that I am the better person, if standing my ground for someone being out of line makes me a bad person then so be it.  I have done nothing wrong so the smile is still on my face.  If I have to distance myself from some people to be happy then I will, intelligence and humanity doesn't run in everyone's brains.

Got some good news too, I'm all good to go ahead with my driving lessons, I have had the go ahead, although I am petrified of it, it has to be done.  I will only be using the car for short journeys as I can't sit in a car for a long time but it's a start into getting some sort of life back!

Anyway... I may write another post in a month or two, or three, or four...


7 October 2012

Joint Hyper Mobility Syndrome FAQ

Joint Hyper Mobility Syndrome (JHMS) - FAQ

I decided to make this page as I am a sufferer of JHMS and there isn’t a lot of awareness of this condition out there.  Some suffers of HMS even joke around about it, I guess being super bendy can be quite an advantage in some cases, however I want to raise awareness of the not so great side of  this condition, also just wanted to make a FAQ page because I am totally fed up of people asking me why? What? How? And EH, you WHAT? – It is a very lonely condition if the people around you don’t understand.  So yes, this is for everyone who has ever been ignorant towards me, whether they meant it or are just a bit dippy! – I have tried to answer the questions to the best of my knowledge as a sufferer, if you think you have it or want professional information on it, please, please, please go to your GP or Google it on the NHS websites, although the information is vague it’s by the actual NHS not just a whiney sufferer ;)


If you are diagnosed with ‘Hyper mobility’ it means that you can move some or all of your joints more than most people can.  A lot of people with hyper mobility are double-jointed.

Hyper mobile joints are very common, lots of people have them, and most people can live a long and happy life without even knowing or having any problems with hyper mobility.

A minority of people with hyper mobile joints experience pain or other symptoms, and this is when it is called joint hyper mobility syndrome.

Despite the obvious joint problems and pains, which are:

·         Muscle strain/pain

·         Joint stiffness

·         Backache

·         Easy dislocation of joints

·         Weak collagen

It can also cause problems in regards to your internal organs, giving you health problems such as:

·         Asthma

·         Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

·         Weak bladder


Anyone who has hyper mobile joints can get JHMS.  Women are however more likely to be diagnosed with it.


There are many reasons behind why somebody could get JHMS, it could be because of the shape of the bones, for example if you have shallow hip or shoulder sockets, weak or overly stretched ligaments, the stiffness of your muscles could also affect it and some people even inherit the condition from their parents.


As mentioned in the definition of JHMS it depends on the person.  Some people can go about a normal daily life with no pain at all.  Some suffers even use HMS as an advantage such as, Gymnasts.  There is however some people that are unfortunate enough to experience some or all of the symptoms mentioned in the above definition.


Yes you can.  A lot of the cases I have heard of have been after child birth, falling one too many times, dislocations, arthritis.  However I am not the best person to ask this question! – I haven’t had the pleasure of child birth yet, I have been lucky at all the times my hip has given away on me leaving me flat on the floor and my shoulder and elbows are the only things that have dislocated or moved out of a normal/comfortable place so far.


To begin to answer this question about my personal experiences as a JHMS sufferer I will take you through my history.  From birth my hip has always been an issue.  When my mum would change my nappy and I would wave my legs around (great picture I am sure you have now) my hip would click.  My Mum describes it as a ‘bang!’ maybe a bit dramatic, more like a clicky clap, it is loud though.  People to this day look at me and say ‘what was that?!’ (Ironic, I just moved in this seat and it did it, CLAP!)

As I grew up I was always really conscious of my hip, all I can describe it as is a dull ache and the feeling that it may pop out at any moment, only way I can try to create a picture of this is a Barbie doll, everyone’s had a little brother or someone pull of their Barbie’s arms and legs… That’s how fragile it feels!  I remember at school in a P.E lesson when we were doing hurdles, I always went and hid or asked to sit out with a Migraine if my secret hiding place wasn’t accessible.

Anyway, time moved on and I just lived with the pain but I got to 21 and couldn’t cope with the pain any more.  I was also experiencing pain in other joints and they were unexplainable.  I wasn’t a secret cage fighter, why all these pains?

So just after my 21st birthday (2011) I went to the doctors.  After months and months of going back and forth to them I was finally referred to the Rheumatology department at hospital where I was diagnosed.


Zoom forward to October 2012 and regardless of the diagnosis I am still no better, the pain is the worst it has ever been, so much so I had to leave work.  I cannot commute, imagine standing on a packed tube with people knocking and pushing you in all your hurting bits, imagine feeling like your joints are on fire, this is what I get, and this is how I feel! The other commuters don’t know this though; I haven’t got a flashing sign above my head.  Even car journeys are a pain, (no pun intended) I cannot sit still for very long.  Walking is something of a mission too.  My hip regularly gives way; I love randomly laying on the pavement in all kinds of weather and pretending to passers by that I just fancied a nap… I am petrified of going out on my own.  What if next time I fall it isn't so near home? I can walk for about 5 minutes before I need support or just a seat.  It’s a horrible circle of pain and sleepless nights!

I have not been able to work since January this year and am not entitled to anything.  It does make me mad as before the pain got too much I did full time work since I left VI form so it is not as if I haven’t contributed to society ever... As have all of my family!

I need to visit a disability employment adviser for my next step, I just hope they understand and don’t fob me off like the doctors first did.  It took over a year for diagnoses that the doctor diagnosed in all of 10 minutes!

I do keep a diary of my pain and day to day doings, I may upload it on here, may not. 


Yes, I am always in pain but some days it is worse than previous day’s visa versa.

No I am not a liar.  This is a reoccurring problem for sufferers because the pain and symptoms can differentiate between days a lot of people, friends, family and colleagues only see you on good days and rather wrongly just assume you're a drama queen. 

Yes I am still in pain since the last time you bothered to ask/care/be nosey unfortunately there is no cure of JHMS and pain relief hardly works.  Most sufferers only ever get pain ‘relief’ that is more manageable rather than gone completely.  Trust me I have tried a combination of everything it’s always there throbbing away!

If you have any more questions just ask, I’ll reply asap!
