Dear Readers, It's been a while. I swear I say that EVERY TIME. But hey ho, thanks for sticking around. I love you :-)
Dear Jayde, your letter is so very nearly on it's way, I was going to just stick a first class stamp on it but I am so paranoid it won't get to you as it isn't enough postage. They measure how fat envelopes are these days, next time i'll make sure I put my paper on a diet. The simple solution would be to just go to the post office and get it measured, however, I REFUSE to do this now as when I worked in Human Resources I was in the post office quite a lot, well, every day so the staff got used to me. On two occasions since I left the job the woman in there has told me how much weight I have put on. HORRIFYING, I actually wanted to cry, she did it twice too! TWICE!!!!! Turns out it's not just how fat the envelopes are that's important now...
Dear Holiday, Last time I wrote to you I said, 'I wish I was still going on you. This is the third holiday in a row I have looked forward to and had to cancel, CAN'T TAKE MUCH MORE!' I am now saying that I should have been on you now but I am very happy that I am not, well, I say very happy, it would have been nice, no one ever would rather sit in rainy England over somewhere exotic but I am glad I didn't go so everyone with ulterior motives can pipe down and concentrate on their own little lives.
Dear Karma, Oh baby how I love you!
Dear Weekend, I must be the only person in the world that doesn't ever look forward to you but this weekend I am :-) BANK HOLIDAY and I am going away, woo!
Dear 24th Birthday, I know you're 5 months away but I am booking you today! EXCITED! the last two years have taught me you have to plan ahead or you just end up sitting at home watching TV with a take away, you only have 1 birthday a year and I don't see why mine has to suck every time so neurgh! people can't say no with 5 months notice :-D (not that my birthday ever has sporadically chronologically changed)