23 September 2013

It's a baby!

I am feeling very sorry for myself in bed today so I thought I would update my blog with a post that goes live just after I write it!

I have been working on a few posts but none are ready to publish yet, I have not let my blogging bug escape me again I promise,  In fact it is co-habitating in my body with a nice bug that's making me feel like crap at the moment! ACHOOOOO.

 I am just making super special effort on my posts, one in particular is about a subject I feel very passionate about and I think I owe it to the person it is about to do a good job so I am taking my time. :)

I totally over exerted myself yesterday at Thorpe Park and my body is feeling it! - I think I mentioned I was a bit worried about how my body would handle the day out, well let me tell you, I feel like I have been dragged along a roller coaster track by my shoe lace, bumping onto everything on the way up, down, round and round but it was a very fun day.

We had the buy one get one free tickets not that they helped, it cost £91 something to get in, disgusting price really, we did not budget for that, it would have been cheaper to buy all 4 of us a ticket in advance but hey ho, you  learn as you go...

I give 10 out of 10 for all the rides, I've been there a million times before but obviously haven't tried the latest rides and I am impressed with The Swarm but think Saw is still the best. :) eww I feel sick thinking about going upside down...

We did try to buy photos but there was always a problem which was a bit disappointing but not the end of the world.

Tomorrow if Argos stick by their word I get to play GTA5 ahh the excitement is making me aching all over and sneezing every 5 minutes that much more bearable.  KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED FOR ME PLEASE!

I was naughty and treated myself to some makeup.  It was the first time this year I had bought foundation and there is only so many times you can scrape the bottom of a makeup pot!

I won't say how much I paid as certain people who read my posts simply just to spy on me will throw rocks at me but omg it is AMAZING stuff and worth every little penny.  I'm sure if you're clever enough you can Google how much I paid anyway...  A girl has to feel good about herself so this month my face took the priority it deserves lol.

I got a collection of Bare Minerals bits and bobs, I am so bad at beauty reviews and can never be bothered to take photos so you'll just have to take my word for it, it is the ONE.  It covers your face flawlessly and it looks like there is nothing there!  So natural.  It also stayed on through out the whole of Thorpe Park which if I say so myself is a proper set of makeup!

I also just wanted to add a little snippet to congratulate every single one of my friends that have announced they are pregnant over the last few weeks, that is a bug I haven't caught yet ;) ha ha, can only catch so many at one time ;) but yes, congratulations to all of you, I am so excited :D and jealous even if it's always great to love a kid from a far and give it back when it poops. :)


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