16 May 2013

Good things come to those who wait

Not done one of these posts since the 28th of April so I thought I would throw one in, I haven't blogged for a while as have been major busy to the point I have to check if my head is still attached to my shoulders...

I've looked at my stats and I'm still getting plenty of traffic on this blog every day so I guess I just want to say thanks for still visiting while I have a little life blip!

Hmm what's happened since my last update, A LOT, some good, some bad...

Still not sure if I am going back to the Nannying, I know in my previous post I said it was my last week, I did think it was - I need to find something more well.. stable and long term.

I had been getting excruciating stomach cramps to the point of passing out early April through to now, went to the doctors and had lots of blood taken (yay) turns out I have Coeliacs disease again, apparently you never grow out of it... Would have been nice to know that lol.  I had it as a kid, so 20 years later it decided to rear it's ugly head again.  SUFFERING TO THE POINT OF TEARS, I really just want McDonald's, like so, so badly.

I have doctors this afternoon again too, really cannot be bothered I just want to be healthy and in a proper job, getting really depressing now!  I'm going to need a wheel barrow to carry all of my medication home, boo!

HMS has not been that bad, I did however dislocate my toe lol and it's not set back properly and I'm too scared to go hospital in case they have to break it or something....

Hayley's 21st is on Saturday, I'm trying to sort music for her but I just don't know if I'm cool enough he he.

Hmm what else... Nothing much at all, I am going away in June.  Bit of sunshine and some time to their self never hurt anybody and after the last few days I think I need some time away from phones, wifi, laptops, etc, you all know the drill, not sure disappearing is going to help any of my problems but it might do me good.  It's going to be hard as anyone who knows me knows I love to talk, talk, talk but meh I'm depressed and need time out.  I have no commitments so I'll do it for myself as well as everyone listening to me moaning all the time :)

How could I forget I dyed my hair? it's still blonde but a lot darker, which is good because as good as bleach blonde looks it's expensive and annoying as hell to keep looking good! (no pictures yet... I've been feeling really self conscious lately)

AHH I also finished the Sookie Stackhouse series, totally gutted, I miss the characters already and I do feel a bit cheated out of friends (as ridiculous as that sounds) REALLY need to stop getting so attached to fictional characters... he he.

In such a bad mood, I just totally bit my Mum's head off 'Your rooms messy and it's dark' WELL YOU WOULD PAINT IT GREY WHEN I MOVED OUT!!!! booooooooooooooooo

Anyway I'll be back to normal posting soon enough, just need a bit of Lulu time.

Happy Thursdays x x x

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