17 May 2013

Friday's Letters

Dear Friday, You're here again, not sure if I am pleased to see you to be perfectly honest! (how crazy is that!)

Dear Spotify, Thanks for keeping me company all week, I think I'd have gone mad without music to listen to... The saying is true when you're happy you do just feel the music and when you're sad you understand the lyrics

Dear Spots, Can you please go and live on someone else's face? I'm 23 not 13

Dear readers, I am now on Bloglovin' so get lovin'

Dear Leather jacket, Please come home, Lulu misses you and if anyone has stolen it or accidentally on purpose forget to let me know they have it and have been wearing it, I will poke you in the eye, hard.

Dear people that get brave behind a keyboard, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE AND I CAN BE JUST AS INDIRECT, life is to short to beat around the bush, enjoy it, make love not war and if you have got something to say, then say it DIRECTLY :-)

1 comment:

  1. LOl I spat my drink out at the 'Dear Spots' bit xx

