12 July 2013

Friday's Letters

Dear Readers, It's been a while.  I've been through A LOT and this is the reason for my absence.  Medically, Physically, Mentally, Relationship break downs, Family, 'Frenemies' ... Sorry, I'll try get back into the swing of things but when you're feeling as crappy as I do right now you don't have much drive or inspiration to write.

Dear Jayde, I am so happy you finally have a blog. (@ImJayde's Blog)

Dear Holiday, I wish I was still going on you.  This is the third holiday in a row I have looked forward to and had to cancel, CAN'T TAKE MUCH MORE!

Dear Syndol, Please, please, please come back in stock without you I am in pain for weeks on end and do stupid things.

Dear Depression, F%#K OFF! I have not felt this low in ages, I know a lot of sh%t has gone down but MEH!

Dear bad mood, please go away, I am scared you are going to chase the very few people I can rely on away forever :-( I miss being the Lulu that lives in her own little world with fairies and unicorns and debates stupid things in her head to pass the time like 'Do you think the people in EastEnders watch Coronation Street?'
