31 July 2014


I don't know how bloggers come up with the concept of their blog posts but mine normally ping into my head in the middle of the night. *Ping!*

I have to grab my iPad, click on the notes app and write it down as by the next morning I'd have forgotten all about it. Unfortunately I was blessed with a brain like a sieve...

(Must invest in a bed side notebook as once I've stared at my iPad long enough to jot the notes down I'm wide awake again.) whoops.

If someone would like to remind me of the above paragraph too I'd be forever grateful as like I said, brain like a sieve. ;)

Anyway last night I lay in bed and I was singing Frozen songs in my head. Does anyone else do that? I have an iPod on loop stashed in there I swear!

On that particular night it was 'First time in forever' (this story has a point, I promise)

I had the sudden urge to sing it out loud, then I remembered I can't sing... (And it was the middle of the night)

*ping!* I could write a post on 10 things that I wish I could do. Everyone can relate to wishing they possessed talents they don't! Bingo!

So I grabbed my iPad, number one would be, to be able to sing like Christina Aguilera.

Then I had to think of number two, it then dawned on me... How negative is it to write a list of things you can't do?

With my medical conditions there's a hell of a lot of things and I didn't want to depress myself or my readers so I thought about just putting the idea to sleep and hitting the hay myself.

Then I thought no, I will not give up I'll do a list of 10 things I can do instead! (Vain but positive)

I am not sure if I can come up with 10 exactly... But I will give it my best shot throughout the week!

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29 July 2014

Like, Love, Loathe #3

With Bex from Futures and Sarah from Life in a Breakdown

LIKE... I like the fact I'm back for week 3 of my Like, Love, Loathe post already! how time flies! I am seeing Joey twice during the week this week instead of just the once, what's not to like about that?

LOVE... I love with a capital L the fact my Mum has now given up smoking for 19 months! I have noticed a leap for the good in both of our health.  Well done MUM!!!

LOATHE... The hospital this week.  LOATHE LOATHE LOATHE! I still haven't heard from them, the NHS are a joke, I have been waiting since January and I'm just getting worse and worse, bunging me with stronger tablets at each GP appointment isn't the road I want to go down but until UCH write to me about my appointment it's the only road I can take...


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28 July 2014

Alphabet dating

I decided I would hop on to the 'Alphabet dating' craze!

I thought it was a new craze to be honest but after a little research I discovered that yet again I am just very late to jump on the band wagon.

I am not posting to my blog as much as I like at the moment as I am SUPER BUSY! I promise I can tell you what with very, very soon.  I also promise it's a valid reason for once ;) I am having one of the most self inflicted stressful times ever but it will all be worth it.  Once I can reveal it will open so many doors to so many posts on here too so I am super, duper excited.

So back to Alphabet dating... Basically Joey and I always seem to go on the same type of dates over and over and as much as I love him I just fancied doing something a little bit more different!

I suggested Alphabet dating to him on the tube the other day and he did look a little vacant/scared.

'What is it?' he asked... *with a huge gulp as if I'd just asked him to go shark bating butt naked*

Basically Joey or myself get a letter of the Alphabet.  We did tick, tack, toe and I got A.  I was a little disappointed... I hate starting but I guess I could set the par! ;)

You go through the alphabet taking a letter each time... Our next date will be planned by Joey and it will be all to do with the letter B!

I hope that's explained it well enough, it's so late and I am tired but when the blogging inspiration bites you cannot rest!

So A.

I have a few ideas after falling at the first hurdle and searching for inspiration on 'A date' ideas via Google...

Joey doesn't read my blog so I am safe to discuss the potential surprise here ;)

The first thing that came into my mind was abseiling.  Growing up it was one of my favourite things to do but then I remembered my stupid condition and why I no longer do it...

Boohoo, however I am not giving up!

We've never been to an Art Gallery before... Not sure if he'd appreciate it though, he's not the arty type and I don't like being on my feet for too long as it causes havoc on my joints.

I then thought Apple bobbing? lol.  Would be a laugh but not sure if it's long enough!

Anyone got any ideas?

I will be posting all about our A date when it happens! I think I may need your help though...


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23 July 2014

Like, Love, Loathe #2

With Bex from Futures and Sarah from Life in a Breakdown

LIKE... Although I miss Chewi like mad since he passed away and I still keep thinking of him as if he is about to come bounding down the road to me, tail wagging and tongue hanging out he's now back home and this comforts me.  I didn't like to think of him all alone.  He was put down 2 weeks and 1 day ago and we couldn't be with him when this happened.  They called us half way through his operation to let us know he had a huge tumour on his liver.  They said it would be kinder to let him stay asleep so my Nan agreed to let him stay asleep and go to heaven peacefully and out of pain.  Yesterday we received his ashes so he is no longer alone and is back with us.   Glad to have you back old pal.

LOVE... So my pillow exploded.  It was the only pillow I would ever use, I just can't get comfortable with any other pillow, naturally I was devastated, anyone that loves sleep as much as me would understand.  It looked like a duck had exploded in my room there was a sea of white feathers EVERYWHERE, I wish I had taken a picture.  I soon got over the loss of my pillow however when I received my new latex pillow as recommended by my beautiful friend Maxi.  It's amazing, so much so I already have plans for a latex mattress! Sleepover? :)

LOATHE... This week I loathe the fact I haven't been able to dedicate any more time to my blog. It's been super busy and I'm disappointed that I haven't given it more time this week, silly illnesses! Sorry blog! Off to the Chiropractor now and when he clicks my neck, owhhhh... that's another loathe for sure, I always think I'm going to die!

Happy Hump Day everyone!

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17 July 2014

Like, Love, Loathe #1

I decided to jump on Bex from Futures and Sarah from Life in a Breakdown's linky!

They post on a Tuesday so I am a little behind but I'm glad to be joining in! Hello!

LIKE... Although I've had a pretty rubbish week the weather has been great, when I'm not sharing a bed with Joe the heat hasn't stopped me from sleeping as much as it did last year.  The medication I have been prescribed to help with my disturbed sleep pattern may just be helping that a little too but I'm not complaining!  Sleep is good!

LOVE... Well this week was packed out with medical things for me but today I have absolutely nothing to do. My appointment for today has been rescheduled for tomorrow, it's before another one in totally different towns so it will be a busy day tomorrow but at least I get my 'do nothing, rest up' day today and in the sunshine! 

LOATHE... I've had my moan in yesterdays post lol.  I could write that I am so disappointed that the World Cup is over but that would be a LIE! Yay! I guess I could write here that I loathe negativity and I've felt a lot of that this week so I'll add that to my loathe section this week.  I'm feeling strangely positive today and I can't loathe that!

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16 July 2014

The Moral of the Story is...

I wasn't going to post today but I needed somewhere to vent and thought... Blogging it will calm me down!

I wouldn't say I was raging so maybe 'calm me down' isn't the right phrase, I am however pretty miffed, miffed enough to need to express my miffedness lol.

I have to go to the chemist a lot because of my various health issues, I visit regularly because I have to take a lot of medication for these.  I normally get my repeat prescriptions  in 2 batches because there is so much.

On the 1st of July I had to pick up more of my pain medication as well as a few other prescriptions.  I had my appointment at the doctors, he printed and signed them.  I then had to sign the controlled drug register as the pain killers I am on are very strong, then I got to go to the chemist to pick them up.

This chemist is next door to the Super Market and because my hip and knee regularly 'go' so that I can no longer walk I don't go out on my own.  My Mum walked me to the chemist and said 'I will be in Super Market, wait here for your prescription and I will walk back with you.'  So I did.

After about 5 minutes I was called back to the desk, They couldn't give me the pain medication because it didn't specifically say how many times I should take it in one day.  I had to go back to the doctors.  Fair enough, rules are rules but I was already in agony from walking to the chemist from the doctors and I just didn't have the energy, fatigue always gets me if my subluxing joints don't beat it to it.

I asked about my other medication, could I have it? the paper work? - They wouldn't give it to me.  Said I needed to come back with the correct pain killer prescription first.  I felt like a criminal!  I said to them, part of the reason I am on these is because I find it difficult to walk but ok, I will go back to the doctors.

So I hobbled over to Super Market, eventually found my Mum (she doesn't believe in mobile phones) and we both had to go back to the doctors.  By this time I couldn't walk back again so while I sat in the doctors waiting my Mum went to pick my prescriptions up.

At last I got my prescriptions, what a fuss!  Dreading the fact I've got to do it all again tomorrow as they are legally only allowed to give me 30 pain tablets a time. (They last two weeks if I'm not in a flare up).

Tonight I was doing a quick check on all of my medication just to see what I was running out of as well as the pain medication.  I then see the label on the box of tablets I take for depression.

They've only given me the wrong dosage! Too high!

Luckily it's not anything that could have caused an over dose but imagine if they've done it to someone else?!!

I'm really only angry because the staff in there are so, so rude.  Once I was served by one lady and then given my medication by another, as I went to walk out she shouted at me 'ERM have you paid for that?' The cheek! 

The next time she gloated because my prescription pre payment card was out of date.  I quickly opened my purse and pulled out the new one, by accident I'd given her the old one.  She smirked and sneered at me until I pulled that out.  It was an accident, my eye sight isn't the best, why be so arrogant about it?

When my Mum went back to get my medication they wouldn't give it to her because she didn't have a receipt.

I'd already filled my Mum in on the drama I always get when I visit and the fact they had refused to give me anything back including a receipt.  So she looked at the girl who had refused to serve me (I had described her very well) and she said 'YOU DIDN'T GIVE HER ONE.'

They did give her my prescription after this but talk about choosing when to follow the rules!

As for being given the wrong dosage of my medication... It's obviously not just the till staff that are slacking at their jobs.

Never, ever using that chemist again!

Luckily going from 20mg back to 10mg isn't that much of an issue but I just needed to write this out because I can't get over how unprofessional they are in there.


L.U x

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15 July 2014

Dream Diary | School

I don't know why but I keep dreaming I'm still at school.  I hate it because I hated school.  Sometimes I dream about Secondary School sometimes Primary.  I have no idea why because I left Secondary school 8, nearly 9 years ago now.

There does seem to be a recurring theme, I lose my bag, my blazer, there is always something wrong.

Last night I went back to year 11, so 16 years old and one of the demon teachers started shouting at me to get out of the class room.  I gave her what for (always been a gobby cow) and then my bag exploded and I was trying to pack it all away as quick as possible because everyone was staring...

One kid who was waiting to get to her seat to start her next class was being so rude to me and I remember saying, 'What year are you even in?' because when you think back the 11 year olds never challenged the 16 year olds lol.

I then dropped my school jumper in a puddle and it had porridge on it?! so I decided to go to the nurse and just pretend I had been sick so I could go home.

I woke up as soon as it was my turn to talk to the nurse.

I always wake up at those part of the dreams. WHY?

I'd really like to know why I keep having these dreams about difficult days at school.

[Image courtesy of  Salvatore Vuono / FreeDigitalPhotos.net]
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14 July 2014

The Death of my Best Friend

Some will understand, some won't.

I have lost close family members before, it broke my heart but it felt nothing like this.

The fact we didn't know he was going to die, the fact it was so sudden and the fact we never got be be with him when he went makes it hurt so much more.

We didn't even know he had cancer, we thought it was a liver infection, but cancer? we didn't ever consider cancer.

The fact he couldn't tell anyone what was hurting gets to me the most.

Even though he had, had cancer without us knowing for so, so long he was still so happy, friendly, loving and as caring as the day we first met.

I started this post off with, 'Some will understand, some won't' and this is because the best friend I lost was a dog.

I now completely understand the saying a dog is a mans best friend.

Every time I hear a dog bark I think it's him.  I miss him flapping his ears about, his claws tap, tap, tapping on the floor, his little licks.

Although I am sad you are no longer with us, I am happy you're no longer in pain.  I know you're just a dog but the way you soldiered on as if nothing was wrong for so long is an inspiration to me.  You're the bravest and most dearest friend I have.  Although you were 'just a dog' you didn't deserve it all to end like this and I will never, ever stop loving you.  You are as good to me a friend as any human.  Sleep well Chewi.  I love you. 


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