16 July 2014

The Moral of the Story is...

I wasn't going to post today but I needed somewhere to vent and thought... Blogging it will calm me down!

I wouldn't say I was raging so maybe 'calm me down' isn't the right phrase, I am however pretty miffed, miffed enough to need to express my miffedness lol.

I have to go to the chemist a lot because of my various health issues, I visit regularly because I have to take a lot of medication for these.  I normally get my repeat prescriptions  in 2 batches because there is so much.

On the 1st of July I had to pick up more of my pain medication as well as a few other prescriptions.  I had my appointment at the doctors, he printed and signed them.  I then had to sign the controlled drug register as the pain killers I am on are very strong, then I got to go to the chemist to pick them up.

This chemist is next door to the Super Market and because my hip and knee regularly 'go' so that I can no longer walk I don't go out on my own.  My Mum walked me to the chemist and said 'I will be in Super Market, wait here for your prescription and I will walk back with you.'  So I did.

After about 5 minutes I was called back to the desk, They couldn't give me the pain medication because it didn't specifically say how many times I should take it in one day.  I had to go back to the doctors.  Fair enough, rules are rules but I was already in agony from walking to the chemist from the doctors and I just didn't have the energy, fatigue always gets me if my subluxing joints don't beat it to it.

I asked about my other medication, could I have it? the paper work? - They wouldn't give it to me.  Said I needed to come back with the correct pain killer prescription first.  I felt like a criminal!  I said to them, part of the reason I am on these is because I find it difficult to walk but ok, I will go back to the doctors.

So I hobbled over to Super Market, eventually found my Mum (she doesn't believe in mobile phones) and we both had to go back to the doctors.  By this time I couldn't walk back again so while I sat in the doctors waiting my Mum went to pick my prescriptions up.

At last I got my prescriptions, what a fuss!  Dreading the fact I've got to do it all again tomorrow as they are legally only allowed to give me 30 pain tablets a time. (They last two weeks if I'm not in a flare up).

Tonight I was doing a quick check on all of my medication just to see what I was running out of as well as the pain medication.  I then see the label on the box of tablets I take for depression.

They've only given me the wrong dosage! Too high!

Luckily it's not anything that could have caused an over dose but imagine if they've done it to someone else?!!

I'm really only angry because the staff in there are so, so rude.  Once I was served by one lady and then given my medication by another, as I went to walk out she shouted at me 'ERM have you paid for that?' The cheek! 

The next time she gloated because my prescription pre payment card was out of date.  I quickly opened my purse and pulled out the new one, by accident I'd given her the old one.  She smirked and sneered at me until I pulled that out.  It was an accident, my eye sight isn't the best, why be so arrogant about it?

When my Mum went back to get my medication they wouldn't give it to her because she didn't have a receipt.

I'd already filled my Mum in on the drama I always get when I visit and the fact they had refused to give me anything back including a receipt.  So she looked at the girl who had refused to serve me (I had described her very well) and she said 'YOU DIDN'T GIVE HER ONE.'

They did give her my prescription after this but talk about choosing when to follow the rules!

As for being given the wrong dosage of my medication... It's obviously not just the till staff that are slacking at their jobs.

Never, ever using that chemist again!

Luckily going from 20mg back to 10mg isn't that much of an issue but I just needed to write this out because I can't get over how unprofessional they are in there.


L.U x

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