17 July 2014

Like, Love, Loathe #1

I decided to jump on Bex from Futures and Sarah from Life in a Breakdown's linky!

They post on a Tuesday so I am a little behind but I'm glad to be joining in! Hello!

LIKE... Although I've had a pretty rubbish week the weather has been great, when I'm not sharing a bed with Joe the heat hasn't stopped me from sleeping as much as it did last year.  The medication I have been prescribed to help with my disturbed sleep pattern may just be helping that a little too but I'm not complaining!  Sleep is good!

LOVE... Well this week was packed out with medical things for me but today I have absolutely nothing to do. My appointment for today has been rescheduled for tomorrow, it's before another one in totally different towns so it will be a busy day tomorrow but at least I get my 'do nothing, rest up' day today and in the sunshine! 

LOATHE... I've had my moan in yesterdays post lol.  I could write that I am so disappointed that the World Cup is over but that would be a LIE! Yay! I guess I could write here that I loathe negativity and I've felt a lot of that this week so I'll add that to my loathe section this week.  I'm feeling strangely positive today and I can't loathe that!

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  1. I'm very lucky that Mr M doesn't like football, so there was hardly any World Cup on TV in this house. I'm still glad it's gone though as it frees up TV space for more preferable viewing! x

  2. So excited to be able to watch soaps again! Yay!
