January - January was my boyfriends Joe's birthday. He turned 22. We threw a little get together in our flat with Hayley, Jack, Robert, Blondie, Toni, Shaun and Jasmine. We then went to Luxe in Essex and my cousin Robert kindly bought me a bottle of white wine. I then don't remember much else but was told I was carried out of the club by the bouncer. Not like me at all. I haven't drank since either!
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lol I went over board with the fake tan. As a natural blonde who had dyed her hair it still didn't sit well lol |
Eventually she began to ask me to skip college to do her work while she went to the cinema and posh restaurants... (I did the accounts so I know!)
Trying to pay for transport to and from work, a flat in London and trying to eat on £100 was certainly a challenge. It made me so ill I actually thought I was going to die. I was already experiencing weird, uncomfortable pains all over my body and throwing up every night all night wasn't making life easy.
I went to the doctors and my Mum made me print off some of the emails my demon boss had sent me. My Mum couldn't get her head round how she'd had the nerve to put some of this stuff in black and white. One email that shocked both my Mum and my doctor in particular was one of her asking me to miss college again (breach of contract) saying there was too much work to do with her being out of the office (it's not an apprenticeship if I'm there by myself all the time - breach of an apprenticeship) and then she asked me to use up my annual leave or I'd lose it! Too much work for college but I needed to take my annual leave? Excuse my language but what a fead huck! My doctor signed me off for a month for stress and all the lovely symptoms you get with it.
One month was my notice period I would have to give if I chose to resign, so I did. A huge relief lifted off of my shoulders. No longer did I have to guesstimate all of my work because she never provided me with budgets to organise the most ridiculous events on my own, I never had to sit in a cold office with no windows on my own ever again! I however had the horrible thought of a nasty reference. Thank god I'd already had 2 previous jobs that could vouch for me being a hard, dedicated worker!
February - February dragged on after January. I am normally quite happy in February as my birthday is the first week. However January's events were still looming over me and myself and my boyfriend had no money as everything I'd saved up was going on the flat and everything he'd earned the month before went on paying all the bills. We had no luxuries like Sky and internet. Our flat was also damp so I dreamt of having a dryer as no matter how I tried to dry our clothes washing it just smelt damp and mouldy! We however loved having our own space and did not want to be defeated! I had a pretty uneventful birthday, which is rare for me but I was happy with the fact we had our own flat and was desperately looking for a new job. It did however snow on my birthday so we built a snow man!
Late February a letter came through our door. Our rent was going up to £800 and they wanted to know if we would be renewing our lease. £800? Are they having a laugh? We already pay out more than £300 for the council tax, gas, electric and food! It's only a 1 bedroom flat and damp! We came to the hard decision that we had to leave our first home on the last day of March. Although our boiler continually broke, it was damp and our neighbours were always high on weed and giving us ag, it was our home and my heart still breaks a little now thinking of it.
March - March. This was the last month we had in the flat. We savoured every moment. I remember the day we returned our keys. I lay on the sofa with Joe before we took them back. I've always been sentimentally weird and it just felt like the right thing to do, enjoying our last moments in those little 4 walls together was how we both said goodbye.
I moved back into my Mum's after being kicked out 10 months before and Joey went back to his mums. It did feel like we were going backwards in life but I focused on the important things like not having to pay out all that ridiculous amount of money!
My Dad's friends daughter also coloured my hair back to it's natural colour, so I was back to blonde!
Mean while my mysterious pains were getting worse. In March I really started to notice that I couldn't use my right hand in the same way. Turning a tap or putting any pressure on my right thumb hurt a great deal. As did my right shoulder and hip. I'd been back and forth to the doctors; Vitamin D deficiency was one of the reasons they threw my way. This was understandable as I had been cooped up in that poky little office with no windows from dark morning to dark nights. Even with the odd trip to Oxford Circus to return the demon's shopping I don't think I got the vitamin D that was essential!
After consuming millions and millions of the wonderful vitamin I however still didn't feel any better. In fact my pains where worse and had caused my back to ache a great deal too. I was then prescribed paracetamol. *rolls eyes*
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