18 January 2013

Fridays letters

I came across a blog via my good friend @Ohnoitsbex's blog Futures called The Sweet Season, previously called Adventures of Newly weds, she has over 2k GFC and a really incredible blog.  She has this reoccurring blog post called Friday's letters and after seeing Bex doing hers I wanted to get in on the action!


Dear Physio Therapist, I haven't been to see you today because of the snow.  I know it's not much but if I fall over in this it's game over for me, all I need is a broken bone on top of a million and one already potential dislocations!  I had hoped this was my last session as in the 7 months I have been seeing you the pain isn't going away and I think something else needs to be tried as you suggested the last time I see you.  I would like to thank you though for strengthening me up, my hip hasn't given way nearly as much, although I am not ready to test this in slippery ice and snow!  When I rang up to cancel today your receptionist was really snotty and couldn't fit me in to another appointment for 7 WEEKS, I could have easily got narky with her and her attitude as it doesn't take much brain power to work out someone going to physio might not be able to walk as good as others but I didn't, I just silently bless the ignorant and stupid.  So Mrs Physio Therapist I guess you'll just have to miss me and hope I don't fall down the plug hole or get hit by a meteorite in that huge gap of 'no appointment' time... This isn't a good bye it's a, I'll see you soon-ish.

Dear Bex, thank you for helping me with my blog so much the last week or two.  I now have 9 GFC yay :) xx

Dear Jayde, thank you for offering me a night out via Skype for my birthday lol, I hope you have disco lights! Maybe you can do some of your crazy YouTube dancing xx

Dear Joey, my lovely boyfriend, please stop playing FarCry 3 without me? I feel really left out :( xx

Dear Cyndi, thank you for always reading my blog posts no matter how boring they are and for being there for me always! I know I go on a lot but you're always there so I'd like to take this opportunity to say thanks :-) xxx

Dear Georgia, Alfie and Harry, I haven't seen you since December and I really, really miss your gorgeous little faces. Never forget how much your Auntie Lulu loves you! ever! xxx
