16 May 2014

BEDM | Happy Birthday Georgia

Today my niece turns 6. It is also my uncles birthday so Happy Birthday to you too Uncle Terry. I'm not sure he'd appreciate a post dedicated all to him, well, I mean, he probably would but I'm sure he wouldn't mind me focusing on my niece for this post.

I won't go into it but I don't see my niece anymore.  I don't see a lot of that side of my family, I miss the kids so much and I know they miss me, I send them cards still so they know I still love them.

I was so happy when I found out she was going to be born.  I remember exactly where I was, I was in Sixth form in my Business class and I found out she was going to be a girl via text message, in my family I was the last girl to be born so I was super, super happy that finally there was another little girl coming along, it only took 18 years!


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'blog every day in May 2014'
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15 May 2014

BEDM | Paris

This year I have already been a few places away from home, Egypt, Felixstowe, Paris and North Yorkshire. I did do a brief post on Egypt when I arrived home and I mentioned that I had some under water shots to upload yet, I still haven't got them developed (naughty) but I will soon and they will be all good for another post.

Today I will show you some shots I got in Paris.  My camera is actually broke so you'll have to enjoy my Samsung Galaxy shots... I've been lazy and not labeled the photos as to be honest I am not clued up on what most of them are anyway.

It was such a good day out, long but good.

As I can't walk or stand for long periods of time we got the tour bus, so worth every penny as we see the whole of Paris while sitting down!


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14 May 2014

BEDM | Awkward moments

Letting slip a bit of information to someone that you could only know through Facebook stalking - WHOOPS

Calling your Boss 'MUM,'

Snort giggling through your nose when you have a cold... you've all done it!

When there is no toilet paper in the public toilet and your friend passes you a little square under the door so  you have to ask for more...

Predictive text messaging!

Being forced via emotional blackmail to name your baby after a relative who's name is so horrible you throw up a little in your mouth

When your 4 year old niece sees your spots and asks 'What are all those dots on your face?'

Trying to get passed someone in the street or a corridor and you both move the same way so it looks like you're doing a stupid dance

The 3rd time of saying 'PARDON?' you still can't hear/understand so you just smile and nod

You don't understand the joke but you laugh like it's the funniest thing you've ever heard

Crying at EastEnders...

When you go to a restaurant and the person sat in front of you is like 'Ooo that looks nice, can I try a bit?' NO!

Waving at a stranger you thought was your friend.. she's not them, in fact that's a man

When you forget your pin number... 

A child just sneezed all over their hands and now wants to hold hands with you

When no one likes that FaceBook status you thought was really, really witty

Accidental iMessage hopping - you know you've sent THE TEXT to the wrong person

When is your baby due? - Oh no... I'm just fat

Missed your stop on the train, you jump up like a complete loon, squeal then realise no one else knows you've got it wrong so just sit back down and wait for the next stop in style

This post is associated with the blog challenge set by Elizabeth from rosalilium.com
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13 May 2014

BEDM | Ugg boots in May

This time last year I was getting sun burn taking the kids to and from school, no chance of that happening this May!

I am a self confessed Ugg boot lover.  Yes they are ugly and plain but they are oh so comfortable and so warm.

I started wearing Uggs when I was 16/17, I was at college and I remember there was this girl and even on hot days she used to wear her Uggs and parker jacket, I know this sounds really bitchy and it was years ago but I just remember thinking there should be a time of the year Ugg boots cannot be worn lol.  I know Ugg boots were originally made to wear on the beach after surfing as they actually do keep you cool in the heat as well as hot in the cold, but no.. Just no.

We are in London so no where near the sea.

the only place near that you could potentially take a surf board is the man made lake in the forest and I wouldn't advise it...

To be honest the only reason I remember her and think I took any notice of what she was wearing was because she was constantly trying to be the object of affection for my at the time boyfriend, at 17 I wasn't grown up enough to just laugh this off and it irritated me! oh to be young.

But yes, basically I try to not wear my Ugg boots past May until at least September, because lets face it, it is Summer but with the constant rain this May I've broken my fashion rule.

Ugg boots are available here, I suggest you buy them as sods law will mean we have a brilliant summer so you won't be able to wear them until at least September! take one for the team ;)

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12 May 2014

A huge Thank you to my readers ♥ #100likes

So today I reached my goal of 100 likes on The Lemon Unicorn Facebook page!

I am so happy as this was the number of likes I wanted by December 2014, I've achieved my goal 7 months early!

I am now at 112?!! THANK YOU!

Please if anyone else has a blog they would like me to check out leave the links for me in the comment section, I am always looking for something to read and will follow you on BlogLovin'!

Thanks again everyone you've made a hard week, a good week :)

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BEDM | The funny things that kids say

So today is supposed to be about 'walking to work' for the #BEDM posts but as you know, I currently don't have a job due to my Joint Hyper Mobility Syndrome, due to the HMS I also don't walk a lot (my knee is at it's worse while walking and although I am still able to walk I find if it goes while I am out, I have to be carried home) OH THE JOYS! I was a bit miffed when I see this topic to be honest but I thought no don't get down by it or feel left out, do an alternative post, I was going to do one on how I get about with my HMS but I decided not to as lets face it, that would be boring.  I was speaking to my friend on iMessage today and it reminded me of something cute my nephew said to me a few years ago and I thought, I'll write about that!

I used to look after my niece and nephews, school runs,  breakfast, lunch, dinners etc and I loved it but it was exhausting.

Alfie my eldest nephew was 3 almost 4 and he kept going on and on at me, 'Auntie Lulu can we play Xbox,' it was such a beautiful day that I said to him, without really thinking, 'No, on sunny days we play out in the garden.' reluctantly he went out with his brother and sister and we all had a good time.

About a week later I woke up and was looking out of the window, he crept up behind me and was looking out of the window too, it was a horrible rainy day, he looked up at me and said 'Today is an Xbox day!' I laughed so loud, there was never a dull moment with him around, I just loved the way he listened and took everything I said, even the throw away comments in.

Me, Georgia and Harry
Georgia asked if we could both wear our onsies :)
Alfie, Joey my boyfriend, Harry and Georgia

This post is associated with the blog challenge set by Elizabeth from rosalilium.com
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11 May 2014

BEDM | British Sandwich Week

So it's British Sandwich Week!

I'm really not fussy when it comes to sandwiches... I think it was sandwiches I missed the most when they made me go on a gluten free diet.  Well apart from cheese burgers...

I am a huge foodie and take pictures of my food all the time but haven't got any of sandwiches...  *sad face*

My favourite sandwich right now is cheddar cheese with caramelized onion chutney, it has to be in tiger bread too. NOM NOM NOM.

I could talk about tiger bread all day it's delicious!

The worst sandwich I ever had was... I think a Coronation chicken on white bread,  I got it from the post office for 99p.  I only had 30 minute lunch breaks at the time so didn't have much time at all to pick and then eat, it was horrible.  I usually like coronation chicken but this was not good...

I do love a good old sausage sandwich with brown sauce as well as fish finger and mayo! mmm!

Sorry for the lack of funky pictures of super thought out sandwiches, I'm a slap it on a plate and eat it type of girl...

What's your favourite sandwich?

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10 May 2014

BEDM | A Photo says a thousand words

Here is a picture of me and Joe at the end of a long, relaxing day on holiday a few of years ago ♥  

I don't know why I like it so much, I think it's just a nice simple, natural shot :)

Sorry I haven't stuck to the chosen topic today, I didn't really know what to write.

Happy Saturday!

This post is associated with the blog challenge set by Elizabeth from rosalilium.com
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9 May 2014

BEDM | Motivation

I'm cheating a bit on this post and seeking inspiration from a post I did back in March about BOOBS! - Someone made a catty comment about my boobs being smaller than theirs and I knew it was just out of jealousy so I let it go...

I know how me saying that has made me sound and I am in no way confident in my body but I know a sour grape when I see one.  I'm a small size 8 sometimes 10 naturally so I do get a lot of jip.  It annoys me that people have to poke, poke, poke at everyone's differences.  I would never dream at doing it to her because she's naturally a size 14 or 16.  Obviously we're going to have different size boobs, we're built completely different!

I wrote about weight issues and the impact judgement of individuals weight has on people here, The WEIGHT debate.

But back to MOTIVATION.

I am no stranger to having depression and depression makes keeping motivated so much harder.

When you have depression it's hard just to get out of bed every day.  I have referenced the above two posts because they both show me that to keep motivated as well as positive you sometimes have to let go of a little of the luggage slowing you down.  In this case the people making comments about me.

You don't need people like that in life, all they do is hold you back to make themselves feel better.

Surrounding yourself with friends and family that do care and want you to do well in life are the best motivation you can ever have.

It doesn't matter if you can only count those people with the fingers on one hand.

Lose the fake Louis V baggage, keep the decent packages around and love yourself, motivation isn't so hard to find if you can do that.

This post is associated with the blog challenge set by Elizabeth from rosalilium.com
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8 May 2014

BEDM | Highams Park

I have lived in or very near Highams Park my whole life.

It is a very little town almost village in East London and is surrounded by Epping Forest, there is a beautiful man made lake in it and for a little while I had a flat right next to it, it was beautiful sometimes as I lay in bed I could hear woodpeckers.

When I was about 3 I fell into the lake... It was a few days before Christmas so snowy and icy and well, my Mum rescued me (just), her first attempt of grabbing me resulted in her just pulling my welly off, 2nd was me, I can remember being so scared as I couldn't swim and it was COLD, thank God for the 90's puffer jacket!

In 1999 I moved to Woodford Green which is a stone throw away from Highams Park so I have never really been away from it even when I lived there.

I went to play school, nursery, primary school, secondary school and college there as well as having my longest work contract at a local business there. I was an HR Administrator.

It was nice working so close to home but I think after having my full education there and working there I just felt a bit trapped and like everyone knew my business.

It's a lovely place but I'd love to move away from it now that I am approaching my late twenties.

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7 May 2014

BEDM | HMS Awareness month

I really did want to stick with the BEDM program but I am in so much pain with my HMS right now that I simply couldn't write a post on gadgets.  I decided to use today's post as yet again another way to raise awareness for HMS/EDS.

Most people judge a disability as something that requires a wheelchair.  Please open your eyes to SEE.  Just because you cannot immediately see something doesn't mean it's not there.

I have been hurt by family, friends, colleagues that's level of ignorance have ruined our relationships.

HMS/EDS effects people in the same way but at different levels, it can be bearable one day and leave you bed bound the next.

For me it gives me excruciating pain in ALL of my joints, I am lucky that I don't quite dislocate but my muscles twist and sprain and sometimes this means I cannot walk.  My knees and hips especially.

Fatigue is another huge factor for me, I do so much in a day and just hit a wall.  It could be after walking to to the shops or after simply just doing the washing up.

It's very annoying because a friend, family or colleague may see me out at a restaurant one night.  They don't see me at home suffering, they just see me that one night out. - I'm hardly going to go out on a day I am bed bound, I'm also hardly going to pass up an opportunity to enjoy some time with the people that do understand out and about when I do feel ok, why should I be afraid of what the ignorant people will say/think?

It also causes havoc with my insides, the collagen levels in your body can effect a lot.  It's why my asthma is so bad, it's why I have trouble with digestion, with IBS, with my ears and eyes, troublesome periods, very thin hair...

Depression and anxiety kicks in too, this is where I need my friends and family the most as when this is at an all time high I cannot deal with any thing else to do with the illness, I just don't see a point or an ending when I am feeling so hopeless.  It hurts that so many people have washed their hands of me because I'm not up to much these days.

I have put the above picture as my Facebook profile picture, I know exactly who has rolled their eyes and had a few selfish things to say about it and they are no longer a part of my life and for good reason.  They are no longer on my Facebook anyway, part of my friendship group, PART OF MY LIFE.

Open your eyes, use your brains.  Think twice before you pass judgement on something you clearly know hardly anything about.

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6 May 2014

BEDM | Writing my Own Book

When I read I get to escape my own boring life and live in another world for however long it takes me to finish turning the pages.  I literally think I zone out when I read, I see everything I read in my head so clearly that it is like I am watching a TV series.

I in away become friends with the characters, I want to know what is going on in their life, I want to keep turning the pages to find out more and I get ridiculously frustrated when there is nothing left to read, waiting a year or more for the next addition in the series of a book can almost drive me insane! - I have to remind myself that great authors take their time to write such great stories.  I have to appreciate that me reading a 300 page novel in 1 day is not the same time frame as it took for someone to create it and put it on paper.

I become sad when the characters do, I get involved in their life and I really get inside their heads and this is why I think writing books is such a wonderful thing, it's a great talent and to be able to share a talent like this and make people as I put it earlier 'zone out' is just mind boggingly amazing!

I would love to write a book myself, it is my biggest dream, imagine being able to create your own little world to escape to when you want and then if it is good enough, have the pleasure of sharing your made up world of words to the real world? Also to then make money doing it? it's a dream! - Look how far J.K. Rowling got with a story about a little boy that lived in the cupboard under the stairs... 

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5 May 2014

BEDM | Mexican Food

I love Mexican food, but I rarely get in the kitchen to make it myself.

My favourite Mexican restaurant is Las Iguanas, it has nothing to do with the buy one get one free cocktails... honest!

The food is lovely, I recommend the 'Big Burrito'

It's super yummy! - slightly spicy and the bread (wrap thing) irritates my stomach slightly (because I'm special) but nothing I can't handle, it's worth it!

Here is a picture of a poor attempt of a Mexican meal I did at my Nan's...

I take pictures of my food, JUDGE ME!

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4 May 2014

BEDM | National Star Wars Day


I actually know very little about Star Wars...

I do totally get why it's so popular, I think it's a great story line (I feel like I am insulting real fans here, sorry) I love anything a bit quirky and different and Star Wars is defo that!

I can safely say that I feel sorry for Darth Vader too, he's the only person I know with worse asthma than me!  Dude try the turbo haler and steroid tablets, you'll be breathing beautifully in no time!

My Nan's dog is actually named after a Star Wars character.. can you guess who?

The only thing I can complain about is that Natalie Portman is in it, I dislike her because she kisses Thor in the Avenger franchise and Thor isn't hers, he's mine.

Chrissy baby!

I totally forgot about the Lego playstation games too, the Star Wars one I have yet to try but if they are as good as the others, we're on to a winner!

Live long and prosper!

(I think that's Star Wars... could be wrong)

This post is associated with the blog challenge set by Elizabeth from rosalilium.com
'blog every day in May 2014'
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