I really did want to stick with the BEDM program but I am in so much pain with my HMS right now that I simply couldn't write a post on gadgets. I decided to use today's post as yet again another way to raise awareness for HMS/EDS.
Most people judge a disability as something that requires a wheelchair. Please open your eyes to SEE. Just because you cannot immediately see something doesn't mean it's not there.
I have been hurt by family, friends, colleagues that's level of ignorance have ruined our relationships.
HMS/EDS effects people in the same way but at different levels, it can be bearable one day and leave you bed bound the next.
For me it gives me excruciating pain in ALL of my joints, I am lucky that I don't quite dislocate but my muscles twist and sprain and sometimes this means I cannot walk. My knees and hips especially.
Fatigue is another huge factor for me, I do so much in a day and just hit a wall. It could be after walking to to the shops or after simply just doing the washing up.
It's very annoying because a friend, family or colleague may see me out at a restaurant one night. They don't see me at home suffering, they just see me that one night out. - I'm hardly going to go out on a day I am bed bound, I'm also hardly going to pass up an opportunity to enjoy some time with the people that do understand out and about when I do feel ok, why should I be afraid of what the ignorant people will say/think?
It also causes havoc with my insides, the collagen levels in your body can effect a lot. It's why my asthma is so bad, it's why I have trouble with digestion, with IBS, with my ears and eyes, troublesome periods, very thin hair...
Depression and anxiety kicks in too, this is where I need my friends and family the most as when this is at an all time high I cannot deal with any thing else to do with the illness, I just don't see a point or an ending when I am feeling so hopeless. It hurts that so many people have washed their hands of me because I'm not up to much these days.
I have put the above picture as my Facebook profile picture, I know exactly who has rolled their eyes and had a few selfish things to say about it and they are no longer a part of my life and for good reason. They are no longer on my Facebook anyway, part of my friendship group, PART OF MY LIFE.
Open your eyes, use your brains. Think twice before you pass judgement on something you clearly know hardly anything about.
This post is associated with the blog challenge set by Elizabeth from rosalilium.com
'blog every day in May 2014'