9 May 2014

BEDM | Motivation

I'm cheating a bit on this post and seeking inspiration from a post I did back in March about BOOBS! - Someone made a catty comment about my boobs being smaller than theirs and I knew it was just out of jealousy so I let it go...

I know how me saying that has made me sound and I am in no way confident in my body but I know a sour grape when I see one.  I'm a small size 8 sometimes 10 naturally so I do get a lot of jip.  It annoys me that people have to poke, poke, poke at everyone's differences.  I would never dream at doing it to her because she's naturally a size 14 or 16.  Obviously we're going to have different size boobs, we're built completely different!

I wrote about weight issues and the impact judgement of individuals weight has on people here, The WEIGHT debate.

But back to MOTIVATION.

I am no stranger to having depression and depression makes keeping motivated so much harder.

When you have depression it's hard just to get out of bed every day.  I have referenced the above two posts because they both show me that to keep motivated as well as positive you sometimes have to let go of a little of the luggage slowing you down.  In this case the people making comments about me.

You don't need people like that in life, all they do is hold you back to make themselves feel better.

Surrounding yourself with friends and family that do care and want you to do well in life are the best motivation you can ever have.

It doesn't matter if you can only count those people with the fingers on one hand.

Lose the fake Louis V baggage, keep the decent packages around and love yourself, motivation isn't so hard to find if you can do that.

This post is associated with the blog challenge set by Elizabeth from rosalilium.com
'blog every day in May 2014'
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